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  • Users: CaptBogart
  • Content: Threads
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  1. CaptBogart

    Lava, Sunkissed, Charcoal, and Sunkissed Ulatramel

    I was going through the racks again, (looking for those that will be listed for sale next), and couldn't help but pull these out for a little photo session. They were looking great in the sun coming through the window, then add the flash, I think I captured their true colors... 0.1 Charcoal 66%...
  2. CaptBogart

    Sterling, 0.1 '09 Sunkissed Silver Queen

    Took Sterling out yesterday for a few pics since she was out roaming her tank... She's developed a lot more yellow than I expected, and strive to keep out of my projects, but I know there's a lot of you out there that just loooove this look ;)
  3. CaptBogart

    **Pre-Brumation Sale Non-Corns**

    Thinking about expanding the collection into other Colubrids? Here's your chance! Prices do not include shipping so you'll have to PM me your zip so I can weigh them and get you the cost. ADULTS & Subs 1.1 SD Gopher het Albino Pair $200 (hets not proven, purchased 3rd party) 1.0 SD Gopher het...
  4. CaptBogart

    **Pre-Brumation Sale** SHIPPING SPECIAL!

    This week only! $45 flat rate shipping on individual snakes, $55 on pairs and groups to your nearest FedEx facility! Sale ends 11/06 20% deposit required to hold. Been checking my lists and it's time to liquidate! Just in time for X-Mas too! All prices do not include shipping, so you will have...
  5. CaptBogart

    Okeetee & Ultramel OK **Outside Pics**

    These little guys are coming along nicely... 1.0 '10 Ultramel Okeetee het Motley p/het Sunkissed Anery 1.0 '10 Okeetee het Ultra or Amel Motley p/het Sunkissed Anery Thanks for looking!
  6. CaptBogart

    Sunkissed Ultramel Motley *Clutch #3*

    The third clutch, (1st female doubled), of these started hatching a couple days ago, and so far two of five are out! These are from Ultramel Motley het Sunkissed Anery X Normal het Sunkissed Sunglow Motley. #1 Funky Mot #2 Sunkissed Motley :shrugs: I'll post more if anymore hatch...
  7. CaptBogart

    1.0 Sunkissed Ultramel **Outside Pics**

    The male finally shed, so I had to get him outside for some pics. 1.0 '10 Sunkissed Ultramel het Motley p/het Anery Checking out the dwarf banana Then the avocado tree and finally on the night blooming jasmine Thanks for looking!
  8. CaptBogart

    0.1 Sunkissed RO **Outside Pics**

    Took this girl out for some natural light pics as well! 0.1 '10 Sunkissed Reverse Okeetee Of course we had to start on the dwarf banana, but that was short as she made an escape attempt under the clover surrounding it. Good thing she's bright red/orange! On the frangipani which is surrounded...
  9. CaptBogart

    1.0 Sunkissed RO **Outside Pics**

    This guy is bright! I'm glad I could get him out into the natural light for some pics... 1.0 Sunkissed Reverse Okeetee Out in the sun on the hibiscus How about some shade on the frangipani Thanks for looking, and if you like him, watch for the female's thread.
  10. CaptBogart

    1.0 Sunkissed **Outside Pics**

    I couldn't let the female out to play without taking the male out too! Unlike the female, he's got the nice purple borders... 1.0 Sunkissed Checking out the morning dew on the dwarf banana A little sun on the oak tree Thanks for looking!
  11. CaptBogart

    0.1 Sunkissed **Outside Pics**

    Took this girl out today for a few pics... 0.1 '10 Sunkissed Checking out the avocado tree Now for some sun on the blooming salvia Thanks for looking!
  12. CaptBogart

    1.0 Strawberry **Outside Pics**

    I have some big plans for this guy... Boone, 1.0 '10 Strawberry Avocado tree in the sun... Hooray the sun is behind a cloud... Now onto the dwarf banana... Looks like a great place for a rest... Thanks for looking!
  13. CaptBogart

    0.1 Sunkissed Snow **Outside Pics**

    I just love this girl! Snows are really hard to take pics of on a clear sunny day, so we had to roam the yard looking for shady spots. I still couldn't capture all the pinks, but these are really close... 0.1 Sunkissed Snow p/het Lavender First stop, the Salvia Now the oak tree with it's...
  14. CaptBogart

    1.0 Sunkissed Ultramel Motley **Outside Pics**

    This guy looks good indoors under fluorescent, but dang, out in the sun he really glows! Starting in the shade on the dwarf banana plant Then into the sun on the avocado tree Thanks for looking ;)
  15. CaptBogart

    0.1 Sunkissed Ultramel after 2nd Shed **Outside Pics**

    I tell you, the male is even better looking, and I'm waiting for him to shed with anticipation! He's in blue right now, so you'll have to settle for his sister... 0.1 '10 Sunkissed Ultramel... A little tree climbing Maybe something a little lower to the ground, like the dwarf banana...
  16. CaptBogart

    **Plant ID help**

    Whenever I visit a friend of mine, his GF loads me up with clippings and started plants that she's collected. Needless to say I have quite a few that I have no idea what they are, so don't know their care, ie; full sun, shade, well drained, wet, etc... So if you know what these are, please let...
  17. CaptBogart

    Wanna Play The Lotto?!?!?! **Adding Pics**

    The Sunkissed Lotto that is! Are you drooling over all the Sunkissed morphs and don't have a lot of dough? Well here's your chance to make your own on the cheap. Of course you can't have a deal like this without a little risk, but since you get to pick the pairing, you can still make it a...
  18. CaptBogart

    Clutch #10 Cali Kings! **Updated W/Post Shed**

    Well it turns out that the female Lavender Albino Banana Cali I picked up years ago isn't a Lavender, just a really nice purpley Albino, so no Lavenders in this clutch, just hets. It's cool to see that the females pattern is dominant! This pairing is an Aberrant Ruby-eyed Lavender Cali x Albino...
  19. CaptBogart

    Daytona Pickups

    Well I got a couple things too! The first, is the only thing on my Daytona wish list! The breeder tried using a lighted loupe to sex it for me, but he just couldn't tell, and I don't mind as she's a pet. I finally got a Leo! Ahsoka Afghan x Hyper Axanthic This guy is awesome and was given...
  20. CaptBogart

    Clutch #8 het Strawberry Ghost Blood X Same

    Woohoo! They started to pip yesterday and woke up to one hatched and one making it's way out. Another surprise het, Motley! :dancer: I'll update as the rest hatch...