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  • Users: Hallie
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. Hallie

    A few of the kids

    Well, as some of you know, I've been away from the forum for a little over a year due to having a baby and being busy with other things. Now I'm back (hopefully for good...I've missed you guys!!!) and I thought I'd show off a few of the snakes I have left after drastically thinning the herd in...
  2. Hallie

    Collection Reduction

    Well, as some of you may know, I am expecting my first child (due in November). Because of this, unfortunately the collection needs to be drastically reduced so we can prepare for the Munchkin's arrival. So, any snakes that are not going to be used for a few specific projects will be up for...
  3. Hallie

    An Update on Simon

    Well, it seems as though it has been over a year since I've posted pictures of Simon, my albino western hoggie. He was a picky guy when I first got him, so he was a slow grower at first, but now he's growing like a weed. He's a grumpy little bugger, but is incredibly entertaining. Enjoy!! :)
  4. Hallie

    Keeper Ghost Stripe

    Here's the ghost stripe I kept from this year. I bred Charlotte, my anery stripe het hypo, to Casper, my ghost het stripe and got seven ghost stripes, an anery stripe, an anery, and a ghost. I sold the rest of the babies and just kept this fellow, who was just showing a little bit of pink when I...
  5. Hallie

    Female Ghost BCI

    Hey folks, I know it's sort of a long shot, but I'm looking for a female ghost (or super ghost, doesn't really matter) het Kahl albino BCI. I would prefer an '08 or older, but would consider something younger. I do have a few things I'd be willing to trade (although I have no problems paying...
  6. Hallie

    You're my best friend...

    I recently got another cat...one of two kittens that our mama barn cat had about 6 weeks ago. He was the first one we could catch (we saw them when they were about 3 weeks old, but then Betty moved them and we hadn't seen them since) to bring home to socialize before taking them back to the barn...
  7. Hallie

    Pippies! (DUW)

    Well, there's a little bit of a story behind these guys...I only put mom and dad together twice, both are 3 years old and were virgins, and there was never any evidence of a hook up. They never appeared to go near each other, they were always sulking in opposite corners of their breeding tub...
  8. Hallie

    Little Trevor

    Trev was particularly colorful last night, and I just happened to have my camera in my hand (as I was outside taking night time photos of a cute little inchworm on a flower) as I walked by his viv, so I snapped a few quick shots of him. He came home with me from Daytona last year. Vinny J's son...
  9. Hallie

    Cleveland Reptile Show

    Trent has been nagging me for the photos from the show on Sunday, so here they are!! CS.com peeps!! Left to right: Tracie, Josh, Jeni, Trent, me, Danny, Kyle, Bree. Pastel Hog (too bad she wasn't pure...Trent would have taken her home) Hypo Motley BCI (WANT!) Chuckwalla Pied BP...
  10. Hallie

    Father and Daughter

    I don't think I've ever posted pictures of my first corn, Apollo the Okeetee (although he used to be in my avatar), and he was hanging out with me the other day...I just happened to have my camera sitting next to me and snapped a few photos. Sorry for the quality of them, he was busy burrowing...
  11. Hallie

    My Darling Jordan (Albino BCI)

    Seeing the new shots of Oren's Koko made me realize that I haven't taken any pictures of Jordan since the day I got him. Poor little guy, all the other snakes get lots of photo shoots. :( So, Jordan got to hang out in the bathroom on my towel hook earlier! :) He is such a good little model...
  12. Hallie

    Izzy says, 'Don't Mess With Me, Mom!'

    Like the title says, my normally docile Izzy was in a really bad mood the other day (I think this was the Thursday before Thanksgiving). A REALLY bad mood... I went to feed her and she struck at her rat, but changed trajectory in mid-strike and came after my hand. The teeth weren't really...
  13. Hallie

    Happy Birthday snakemaster24!!

    Happy Birthday David!! Hope you have a great one, and a great Thanksgiving!! :D
  14. Hallie

    Our Horses (Attn: Katie)

    I went out to the farm today to be there while my new thoroughbred was getting her feet trimmed, and I decided to take my camera to get some pictures of the herd. First up is Sailor and Victor. Sailor is my new girl (16 hand, 4 year old off-the-track chestnut thoroughbred...she has a...
  15. Hallie

    Sailor: Thoroughbred Progression

    Well, as many of you already know, I got a new horse on Saturday. My parents dragged me to a livestock auction (we go for the tack auction....we're always in need of buckets, lead ropes, salt blocks, etc.) in a nearby town. While we were there, we got a phone call from a fellow horse person...
  16. Hallie

    These boys followed me home from Cleveland...

    Well, as many of you have probably seen, Trent bought new snakes at the Cleveland show...what you may or may not have known is I bought the future boyfriends for both of his girls. :D So here they are, first up is the Vietnamese Blue Beauty. There was some discussion on Trent's thread that...
  17. Hallie

    Grumpy Charlotte...Bite Club Pics!!!

    So, Trent came over yesterday and we were looking at all my snakes. I pulled this normally sweet girl (anery stripe) out of her tub and she immediately latched onto my finger and would NOT let go!! She held on for about 10 minutes, crazy snake...Trent got REALLY excited and grabbed my camera to...
  18. Hallie

    A Freshly Shed Simon

    So, my little Simon shed on Monday and I decided to get some new pictures of him at feeding time last night (that's about the only time he isn't puffed up, hissing at me, and squirming around everywhere :awcrap: ). I tried to take pictures in natural light, both with and without the flash, but...
  19. Hallie

    My Kings...

    First up is my thayeri pair. These guys are so cool, I love their expressive little faces. :) The male is an absolute sweetheart...I can't say the same for the female. She's a bit of a brat... Unfortunately, neither of these guys have names yet even though I've had them for about 5 months...
  20. Hallie

    Cory and his little lady

    Well, like the title says, here's my hypo lavblood Corcoran ('Cory') and his future missus (who is unnamed at the moment). She's a lav het hypo blood. Both came from Rich Z. Cory is a 2008 and his wifey is a 2009. Cory: The wife: Enjoy!! :D