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Search results for query: *

  1. RavenSpirit360

    Adult female sunkissed anery stripe

    Anyone have one of these that they are willing to part with?
  2. RavenSpirit360

    Male het hypo, lavender and cinder

    I have an extra male that does not fit into any of my breeding plans as I am changing course a bit on what I plan to breed.. He is proven, although a bit small for his age. Make me a reasonable offer.. He is a classic 100% het for hypo, lavender and cinder.
  3. RavenSpirit360

    Something I have always wanted!! :D

    I have been admiring carpet pythons for years, and been contemplating getting one for just as long.. Well.... I finally gave in :) The Snake Shop got in two Jaguar Carpet pythons this past weekend and I bought this little guy.. Hadn't even seen him yet but knew I wanted him.. Plus my friend...
  4. RavenSpirit360

    People irritate me.. Just a little vent!!

    So I get a call today from my boyfriends sister.. She's freaking out telling me to remove a few pics from my facebook as soon as possible.. She works at a hospital and was online on facebook looking at my pictures when I guess one of the hospital social workers sees the pics and freaks out. I...
  5. RavenSpirit360

    Skin issue... Any ideas??

    A friend of mine is having a problem with his king snake... He sent me pictures and I was wondering if anyone has seen this before?
  6. RavenSpirit360

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    Happy Birthday to Alan.... One of the most beautiful people I know.... I hope you are having a great day!!!!! Was nice to talk to you today after so long... :)
  7. RavenSpirit360

    My Candy Cane has Freckles...!! ;)

    I love this little girl.. She is a candy cane het cinder that I got from Carol awhile back.. She had a few tiny black freckles when I got her, but they have increased a tiny bit since then.. I think its crazy and it goes against her genetic makeup to have black anywhere on her. I love it though...
  8. RavenSpirit360

    Amazing Hypo Plasma from Zorro

    This will be the future girlfriend for my little male hypo plasma.. I got her from John (Zorro). I must say, he makes some beautiful little snakes and I am ver pleased with her.. :) She has just as much, if not more, color than my male.. And males are usually the nicest. He has a lot to live up...
  9. RavenSpirit360

    Golddust Pinstripe Motley

    An update thread on the pretty little Golddust pinstripe motley I got from Stephen. I would recommend his snakes to anyone looking for a new addition to their collection for sure :) Thanks again Stephen....
  10. RavenSpirit360

    Anery Sunkissed Update...

    This little girl that I got from Stephen amazes me.. She is definitely one of my faves in my collection... Thank you again Stephen... You have some of the most beautiful snakes :)
  11. RavenSpirit360

    My Newest Addition.. Lucien Elijah Taylor

    I am a bit late on posting this but figured since he's 4 weeks today that its a good time.. Lucien Was born on Dec 21st, 2010 at 3:15pm... He was 8lbs 1oz and 20 inches long... I am so happy to have him and to have been able to experience pregnancy and childbirth one last time :) At the...
  12. RavenSpirit360

    Tequila Sunrise Ghost, Hypo Plasma and more!!

    A few more from my collection.. Sunkissed with unknown hets, 0.1 1.0 Bloodred ph Piedsided 0.1 Frosted Creamsicle Her mate, if he ever decides to do the deed... Tequila Sunrise Ghost..
  13. RavenSpirit360

    Anery and Ghost Bloods.. :)

    I got this female last year from Rich Hume.. She was very pretty so I really wanted her.. Plus I love dealing with Rich, a pleasure to work with, so when he posts snakes for sale, its hard to resist.. Her son from the 2010 season.. Anery Blood het Amel, Stripe ph Hypo.. And her...
  14. RavenSpirit360

    Upper Keys Miamis

    I haven't posted pics of any of my collection in here for soooo very long.. So I figured it was about time.. This is my Upper Keys Miami male het Amel Cinder.. He is from Carol (Low Belly Reptiles) stock whom I got from Walter.. He is one of my faves, so beautiful.. He doesn't like posing...
  15. RavenSpirit360

    So the Snake Shop made the news this week..

    Like we need more negative feedback. The guy who got bit is new at the shop and not that great at knowing his reptiles yet, but I think he did a great job of staying calm. I think the idiot taping the whole thing, could've done more to help instead of making sure he caught it all on tape...
  16. RavenSpirit360

    My Keeper Arrowheads ;)

    LOL well they look like they have arrows for heads most of the time... These are the two I am definitely keeping from my hateling clutch... They are from Rich Hume bloodlines.. Anery blood het Amel stripe, ph hypo.. Ghost blood het amel stripe.
  17. RavenSpirit360

    Babies From Stephen :)

    I went to Arcadia for the cactus and succulent show and sale yesterday and got to meet up with Stephen again.. It was nice to hang out with him, even though it was short lived.. But he brought me some beautiful babies :) Thank you Stephen Sunkissed PH blood... This little guy is so cool...
  18. RavenSpirit360

    A couple knoblochi from a friend..

    My friend Trevor sent me these the other day.. The male is mine to keep but the female he may want back oneday so shes sorta on a breeding loan... These are from Shannon Browns 'candycane' line... The male... The female... Them side by side :)
  19. RavenSpirit360

    Couple Miamis

    First up is the little hateling of the clutch.. Everytime I come in the room he's in his little deli cup ready to attack... I have to constantly clean it out since he's always knocking his water dish over.. And this is my possible keeper.. I wasnt going to keep any from this clutch but this...
  20. RavenSpirit360

    Yay!!! Evil Killer pippies!!!! ;)

    Well my last clutch for this month is pipping.. Its from my anery blood X bloodred stripe ph anery... So far I have anery bloods, ghost bloods, a hypo blood and a blood.. :) And wow, they are all hatelings so far... They can get some fierce looking triangle heads lol.. Moving my finger around...