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Search results for query: *

  1. 6

    Snakes N cats

    Hey everyone its been a while since I've last been on here and thanks to all the info my snake is still alive and healthy. Now I have another question, my sister needs to use the dresser I had my viv on and there is no other room to put it in but the basement. I just wanted to know if cat dander...
  2. 6

    Snake ate rotten mouse!!!!!!!

    Hey everybody my corn jus ate a mouse that has been sitting in the cage for a couple days and I need to know if he is going to get sick or die. Before you all think I just neglected the fact that the mouse was sitting in there that long thats not the case. I just got kicked out my house and had...
  3. 6

    When Do Mice Go Bad

    Hey everybody i just want to know how long frozen mice are good for after they are thawed because I left a Fuzzy in the tank and my snake didin't eat it so yeah I just want to know if it would be a good idea to give it to him again.
  4. 6

    Thanks for the happy birthday Cornsnakes.com

    I just wanted to say thanks for sending me the happy birthday email I really appreciate it. I don't know exactly who to thank so I just started a new thread sorry :)
  5. 6

    Goo gone smell in viv

    I had a thread about this maybe a week ago and wasn't sure if anyone would respond so I started a new thread so sorry if I wasn't supposed to do that I'm still new :-offtopic . Anyway after a week of soaking the viv with everything in the house that would deodorize it I think the smell is...
  6. 6

    Snake Feeding problem

    Watsup my snake just refused to eat for the first time today and I'm not sure why. When I put the mouse in his feeding tank with tongs he striked at the mouse as if it were a threat not food he even started to rattle his tail and I've never seen him do it before. Is there a reason why he would...
  7. 6

    Cleanin the viv

    Hey I just cleaned my new viv for my corn and I used Goo Gone for some of the sticky tape residue and its been about 5 days and it still smells like that stuff. 1st question is that safe? 2nd how do I get rid of it cuz I've been trying?
  8. 6

    Viv size question

    Hey everybody my brother in law just got this glass terrarium from some lady that had her snake pass away. It is in decent condition and I just cleaned it today with bleach cleaner. Should that kill the bacteria and whatever else could be on it? Also the measurements are L 48" W 12" H 19" would...
  9. 6

    Going away for a couple days should I feed?

    I was wondering if i should feed my baby corn, about a foot and a couple of inches long, today since I am going away for just a couple day. I last fed him 2 days ago. Also I wanted to know when I should move him up to fuzzies because he is only about 2 inches circumference wise.
  10. 6

    Nightime Temps.

    I just got my thermostat for my U.T.H. and now that i got the temperatures right I wanted to know if I should leave the temps. the same at night (85 warm, 75 cool) or should I drop them?
  11. 6

    Best Substrate with UTH

    I just got a zoo med UTH for my 10 gallon tank. I wanted to know what is the best type of substrate to use because Im using recycled paper type bedding and I don't want it to catch fire. Is aspen wood shavings good?
  12. 6

    How do thermostats work?

    I just got my undertank heat source and I wanna get a thermostat to control the temp. of the lamp and heat pad, but how do the thermostats work. Do they shut off power to one of the heat sources or do they regulate that another way?
  13. 6

    Two corns in the same cage

    Is there anything wrong with having two same gender snakes together as long as i feed them separate? They sholudn't fight should they because I want to get a ghost corn in addition to the one I have already. Also can a smaller snake go in with a bigger one?
  14. 6

    HOw often do snakes poo

    MY snake hasn't defecated since i got it last Tuesday, at least thats what i think, and i have recycled paper bedding so i think i would see it if it were dark colored. Anyway the snake is eating and digesting fine does it mean anything if it hasn't deficated yet or do you think i probably...
  15. 6

    Snake Burns

    I just asked about if my snake would escape at night through the gaps by where i put my blacklight at and sure enough he was gone and i almost had a heart attack, but luckily i found him nearby. What i want to know is if he got burned what would it look like because i don't think he did?
  16. 6

    Feeding chicks

    I have asked this question plenty of times already so to those who have already answered it you can keep any sarcastic comments to yourself. I wanna know if anybody has fed their snake a chick because honestly what is the worst a chick can do to the snake which is an instinctive killer.
  17. 6

    Snake defication

    how often does a snake poo mine hasn't since i got him a week ago and he is digesting his meals fine? Whats up wit that and also do they urinate
  18. 6

    Snakes and heating apparatus

    the cage lid on my snakes viv came separately and there is a door in the middle so i open the door and put the black light there to properly heat the cage at night but i worry that he will try and escape through one of the small gaps by the fixture which is really hot but if he did he would have...
  19. 6

    Constricting Dead Prey

    i want to know if my snake will constrict prekilled prey cuz killing their prey to me is a very exciting aspect of their life but i don't want to use live mice and compromise my snakes health or appearance and if anything will they know to constrict a live mouse if they have been feeding on...
  20. 6

    How accurate are tail length and taper

    Im still tryin to figure out if my corn is a male or female if according to the rules of tail taper i think it is a female cuz after the vent the pattern is like two lines on both sides of the underbelly but does this actually mean its a female i don't have another snake to compare it 2 so i...