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Search results for query: *

  1. Kestrel

    '03 Petco mystery corn

    Looks to be turning into a nice Okeetee.. For 17 dollars, couldn't pass it up.. ;) Originally it looked to be a miami, or pale normal.. Had a silverish background, with those burgundy saddles, and large black borders, but 5-6 sheds later, lots of red coming in in the background... Can't wait to...
  2. Kestrel

    '03 Opal

    As you guys prolly already know, its impossible to get their color right. lol. But I tried.. Think these are pretty accurate.. Good looking little '03 girl, on thawed hoppers.. Lost my male a while ago, which was depressing, but some babies just aren't destined to live I think..
  3. Kestrel

    New 1.1 of Opals

    Arrived from Alex Hue today! I'm stoked! very pink... I was worried they'd look like pale snows or something. lol. little blurry
  4. Kestrel

    T+ albino cornsnakes

    I've never really posted these anywhere, as I took these specificly for the person who works with/produced these, but I lost his contact info. Maybe he'll see them here by some chance. Definatly interesting corns.. Like a cross of hypo and amel. Light brown borders, dark rubey eyes, but...
  5. Kestrel

    Hey Rich, hypo lavendar, opinion??

    Ok.. This is supposed to be a hypo lavendar. I replied to this person's add to buy it, and he finally has taken photos of it for me. This does NOT look like a hypo lavender to me. What the heck is it? It looks like either a ghost, or a dark normal lavendar... Edit: Ok Don Soderburge emailed me...
  6. Kestrel

    '02 hypo

    from Ronda @ NW herp. I love this snake. Should turn out very nice.
  7. Kestrel

    '02 banded motleys

    Produced by a friend of mine, from some very old adults of an unknown bloodline. The parent snakes are over 10 years old, and each a good 6ft in length, still with the brightest colors you'll ever see. I can't wait to see the pair of these grow up and see how they turn out. VERY bright red, with...