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Search results for query: *

  1. MerlinsPop

    Ed got my attention...

    So I was finishing up changing out the aspen in my Aneries' bins. I put Ed back in and as he always does, he burrowed straight down and dissappeared. Figuring he'd stay put (as he almost always does) I started to slide his bin back into the rack, but the right side hung up a bit so I focused...
  2. MerlinsPop

    Can partially digested food pass?

    Was checking on my aneries just now and found a mouse tail and a bit of fur in Trixie's bin. She's had a couple of regurges in the last 6 months. Both were associated with feeding her in a shed cycle, so I've been pretty careful about keeping track of her. This find did NOT stink to high...
  3. MerlinsPop

    Farewell, Merlin, and Thanks.

    Sad news. I said my farewell to Merlin, my wonderful Airedale Terrier, last night. He had a tumor in his intestines that ruptured. It didn't seem right to put him through a painful surgery and recovery period to extend his life maybe another 6-12 months anyway, if they could save him at all...
  4. MerlinsPop

    Lil babies no more

    It's been a while since I put up pictures of my four anery babies. Tonight was feeding night and for a change I remembered to bring the camera. This wasn't a photo shoot (sorry Elle) so there's no good background, but as you can see, they were all 'working.' Aice is a whopping 146g as of...
  5. MerlinsPop

    He got a call from the governor...

    You know how the story has it that if the rope breaks at a hangin' then the accused is set free? Well, it seems Butter went through a shed cycle without telling anyone (we didn't see the first bit of cloudiness in his eyes but at the same time, we were 'distracted' shall I say by me spending...
  6. MerlinsPop

    I accidentally herped...

    The wife's extended family rents a cabin near North River Mills, West Virginia (go ahead and look it up - I'll wait...). I got there a bit early and started to dig out the fire pit (clearly hadn't been dug out since I did it last year) and I saw a little wiggler, a northern wormsnake. I was...
  7. MerlinsPop

    Trixie regurged

    Was hoping to avoid this, but I found that Trixie regured sometime in the last 2 days. Found it last night and it was still very wet, so I suspect it was yesterday sometime. I had just moved her up to hoppers. She weighed in at 62g on 3/28 and the hopper was 9g and only as big as she was...
  8. MerlinsPop

    Butter just hates being pink

    Poor fellow moved into his cool side hide (73*) nearly a week ago and hasn't ventured out, as far as we've seen, since. I took him out on Saturday, and he was just going blue, well pink, and put him back. We skipped dinner on Sunday, figuring he'll come out and look around when he gets hungry...
  9. MerlinsPop

    I rehomed Butter

    HIS home within my home, that is, not to someone else's home. You think I'm crazy enough to get rid of my yeller buddy after all we've been through? It was my wife's idea, actually, to take Butter out of his 90qt Sterilite bin and get him into a 'presentable' viv in the main part of the house...
  10. MerlinsPop

    Thank You, Vern

    Vern was euthanized today. She had another prolapse yesterday. I brought her to the vet today and we agreed that this was the best thing we could do for her now. We don't know what caused the repeated prolapses, but continuing to to put her through the trauma of stitching her cloaca partially...
  11. MerlinsPop

    Banner Butter Day

    It'd been a week since we noticed that Butter was in Blue (pink for him) and 10 days since his last meal and nearly a week since his last poop. So... I figured I'd give him a soaking to help with the shed and if I was lucky, I'd get a poop for my efforts. Poop indeed! Rinsed him off in the...
  12. MerlinsPop

    What might this be?

    Local petshop is selling a snake that's been turned in. She has it labeled as a cornsnake, but after I said I was sure that it wasn't, she said she suspected that it might not be. If anything, it's a hybrid. He sure is pretty and was had a firm grip. I told the owner that I'd let her know...
  13. MerlinsPop

    Babies Update

    Today was the day to thoroughly clean out the Anery babies' bins and give them fresh aspen, so I figured I'd get a quick weight and snap a quick photo. I weighed them all 2 weeks ago on the 13th - so with each picture I'll indicate the old -> new weight. They are all progressing nicely. First...
  14. MerlinsPop

    Hand full of Butter

    Made an attempt the other day at Dean's Kabuki Dance with Butter... Here's the best two from the attempt: Practicing knots: This one shows more if his buttery goodness: He's doing so much better now (knock on wood). 440g prior to this morning's 30g breakfast.
  15. MerlinsPop

    Culling Queston

    Momma mouse had a litter of 10 Sat night/Sun Morning. I culled out 4 Sunday morning. Is it okay to take the rest out now, or should I take 3 today and 3 tomorrow? I want small pinks for Vern and have plenty of large (3g) pinks from TMF. But I don't want to cause momma any problems. Not that...
  16. MerlinsPop

    Cheaper than Silver...

    One of the 5 feeders I got to fatten up for Butter started to get really fat (go figure, right?). Since I've had them only 3 weeks now, she was obviously already pregnant when I got them. Last night, she had a litter of 10. I culled out 5 this morning to feed to Vern (now just to get her to...
  17. MerlinsPop

    Precious Pink

    I picked up a day old live pink to see if Vern would accept that (she's refused about everything else). $1.79 ONE pink. $1.79. $1.88 including tax. In case you're curious, that works out to $50.75 per OUNCE! In comparison, a quick check of a random internet site that claims to have...
  18. MerlinsPop

    Viv idea

    Okay, so the wife thinks that Butter deserves to get a nice home after all he's been through and live on the main floor of the house. Who am I to argue, really? But we want something both roomy for him and attractive. So, having a hour and a half to chew over ideas driving home from work...
  19. MerlinsPop

    UTH Changes?

    I'm I the only person to notice that in the last week, we've seen three different people with UTH's, probably zoo-med, that register lower than 80 without regulation? Could it be that they've changed them somehow?
  20. MerlinsPop

    So much blueness!

    Just fed the 4 Anery babies, and 3 of the 4 are in one stage of blue or another! I just find it strange. When the arrived on Oct 31st, Alice was already in blue, and shed on Nov 4th. Ralph shed on the 18th, Ed on the 27th, and Trixie shed on 30th (all Nov). None shed since, until now, and...