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Search results for query: *

  1. Widget

    Very strange poo (icky warning)

    Ok, 4+ year old black rat, last feedings as follows: 8/20/08 25 8/24/08 8 x2 8/31/08 25 9/13/08 refused So, tummy should be fairly empty. She ate a 9g hopper tonight, but while in her feeding tub she did this. Each lumpy looking thing is a clearish, sort of hard capsule with various whiter...
  2. Widget

    Ashera (Fire)

    This is another one of the houseguests and the only current corn. She's a little more red that she appears in these photos. Apparently my camera prefers orange over red tones.
  3. Widget

    Bairds Ratsnake

    I'm finally getting around to posting some pictures. This is the female of the pair of Bairds that I'm snakesitting for my friend. She's grown considerably since she came to me in February and it's been a lot of fun watching her colors change with each shed. Enjoy
  4. Widget

    Simbi (Crimson)

    I haven't posted updated photos of the the one who started all the madness recently. She is the most mellow snake and has been a wonderful pet.
  5. Widget

    Eos (hypo runt)

    This little one only weighed 2g when she hatched. She's one of the 2 runts that I got from Ghost House Corns. Sadly, the other one didn't make it but this one is eating like a pig and doing very well so I figured that it was time to post a pic of her. That, and I finally got her to hold still...
  6. Widget

    Hubby did it again

    Just had to share. Scott just had his 2nd short story accepted for publication. The first one is a psychological horror that will be published on Pseudopod (podcast audio books) and is currently in production. This one was part of a 24 hour short story contest. Disclaimer: Story contains...
  7. Widget

    Runt Update

    Thought I'd give everybody updates on the 2g runts I got from Jenn (Shed'n My Skin). Mica (Ghost Motley-Stripe) still hasn't shed, but soaking and the occasional bit of olive oil keeps him from getting all tight/wrinkly. He will eat a mouse tail if I put it in his mouth, otherwise he ignores...
  8. Widget

    Getting concerned

    Starting to worry about Mica. He's the 2g runt that I got from Shed'n My Skin. He was hatched on 7/21 which makes him 2 weeks old. He still hasn't shed yet despite spraying his tub and several soakings. His skin looks krinkly/wrinkled. Not dehydrated wrinkly more like the top layer is pulling...
  9. Widget

    Regurge from too much water?

    Went into the snake room about 20 minutes ago. Ashera was out cruising around and took a *huge* drink of water. Left the room and then the kids just came out to tell me she puked. She also took a huge poo. The regurge was witnessed otherwise I wouldn't have believed it was a regurge...
  10. Widget

    looking for a hypo...

    Ok, I decided that I want to add a project to my shopping list and it needs to be something that isn't going to produce a gray snake. I decided on some sort of hypo bloodred. I really like the dark dried-blood old school bloods, but I thought I'd add some variety. I'm looking for a...
  11. Widget

    Unique Animal Expo, Hillsboro, OR

    I really meant to post this earlier, but the week kinda got away from me. Anybody planning going? I'm going to be heading over around 10-11am. Not really shopping for anything besides mice and heat mats, but its still fun to look. Hope to meet up with some of you there.
  12. Widget


    Putting this here since its the most logical place to look for it even though its about one of my kings. So...how can you tell if your snake is dehydrated? What are the signs? Columbine skin looks a bit wrinkled along her neck and she seems a bit lethargic (only tail rattled at me, no...
  13. Widget

    Need help converting from live

    Hi everyone, I recently got 2 cali kings last Tuesday. I tried feeding 1g pinks on Friday and the male ate like a pig. Fed again tonight, Harlequin (male) ate just fine. The female refused to have anything to do with F/T. They've always been fed live by the breeder they came from. Columbine...
  14. Widget


    I finally got a chance to post pics of my little lavender hateling. He's been doing the full on strike/tail rattling thing lately. I'll be so glad when he out grows it. Here he is post-dinner. I'll try to get some better pictures when he's not trying to get away (so...like in about 6 months)
  15. Widget

    Educating friends

    Ok...this is going to be a long one since I need to give some background. I have a friend who is very devoted to her snakes, but it seems most of her information is fairly outdated. Inaddequate heating, feeding live (resulting in sometimes long periods with out food while they try to find the...
  16. Widget


    Simbi had refused her last 2 feedings, she was just starting to go blue the 2nd feeding, which was the 25th. She shed today, so I tried feeding her with the same results (3rd refusal). She noses the mouse then looks for a way out of the box. She had been on 4 g fuzzies from the pet store, she...
  17. Widget

    Let's hear it for The Mouse Factory

    I just fed Simbi her first fuzzy from TMF, and I just got to say WOW!!! regarding the quality. I had been feeding mice that I had gotten from the petstore and even after thawing were stiff. My thought was "well...they're dead". Thawed her mouse and it was soft and flexible, like it was freshly...
  18. Widget

    The amazing disappearing mouse trick!

    So last night was the night. Thawed the mouse, put snake in box, introduced mouse, snaked headed towards mouse and opened mouth...the cat (formerly asleep) jumped up to see what all the interest was. Snake retreats. Cat gets locked up. :angry01: Snake goes for mouse again, mouths it and turns...
  19. Widget

    My new crimson

    For those who didn't see the other post, here's my new baby. She's a July 07 breed by Serpenco that I got from Ghost House Corns. She shed on Sunday so she's got shine new dudes for the holidays...
  20. Widget

    She's Here!! She's Here!!

    So this has got to be quick since we're about to be off and running again. I'll provide more details and pics tomorrow...but she's here. :dancer: I got a crimson female from Jen (sheddn' my skin) at Ghost House Corns that was breed by Serpentco. She's very mellow so far, but that may change...