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Search results for query: *

  1. MelissaSM

    Great News...

    I finally go the temperatures up in my vivs. 82 F and 81F. My male recovered from his regurge and shed the other day he's looking great... and my female has addjusted to her new home well, and neither of them hide that much anymore :) I am sooo very happy :D Thanks for all the advise guys, it...
  2. MelissaSM

    Help Me Decide How To Keep My Tanks Warm PLEASE :)

    I have read many threads on what to use in some cases and what temperatures the tanke should be at. I want to know what would best keep the warm side at 80F and not affect the cool side too much...
  3. MelissaSM

    Reptile Expos...

    Does anyone here ever enter their corns in expos? I was looking at a site for it, I am curious to know if there are only certain kinds of snakes or breeds of corns you can take. Or is it just take your prettiest snakes and show them off. And if anyone has pro's and con's to bringing snakes to an...
  4. MelissaSM

    Male snake being weird....

    I just finished handeling my female corn went and washed my hands and got out my male. Usually he's only interested in climbing around in my hand but he is licking my arm like crazy where the female was crawling same with trying to get into my sweater and at my neck where she was... He seems to...
  5. MelissaSM

    Gram scales.....

    I am looking into buying a gram scale so I went lookingon eBay and found one that looked interesting... I will post the link please tell me if it would be any good...
  6. MelissaSM

    My new additon...

    In adition to a beautiful 4-5 month old male creamsicle corn snake, I just bought a beautiful Okatee female. She is close to a year old, and a wonderful orange and red coloration. Will post pics of both my snakes soon. Hopefully in time they will make a good breeding pair :)
  7. MelissaSM

    Snakes first fuzzie...

    We fed my snake his first peach fuzzie, but 2 days later he regirgitated something. Not sure wether he threw up the fur and what not, or wether he threw up the mouse because it didn't agree with him. I was almost positive they digested everything, but now i'm not so sure... Should I try feeding...
  8. MelissaSM

    Hey :)

    Hey Everyone. I am new to this whole snake thing. I have one new family member a Male, Creamsicle Corn. He is a beauty and very well tempered, and a fantastic eater. I will make sure to post some pics. He is about 6 months give or take a few days/ months. Either way you look at it he is still...