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Search results for query: *

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    Surplus South Mountain Breeders

    It's that time of year again...we've pulled the adults out of brumation and found several that just don't fit into our plans anymore. Take a look! Surplus Adult Page
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    testing sig
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    Ultra vs Ultramel . . .

    I'm finding that the visual distinction between ultra and ultramel is not always clear. Here is a brood of snakes from what I thought were ultramel motley X ultramel motley. Obviously, one of the parents is actually an ultra since there were no amels in the lot. It is very hard to distinguish...
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    New Bloodred Corn . . .

    I guess this is the best place to post about this new line of bloodred corns. Perhaps the photo gallery would be better. How these came to be is one of those looooonnnngggg stories, but for now the main player in the history of this snake is WALTER SMITH. If not for his insight, these new...
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    Striped butters . . .

    Sunday was fun, but Monday was funner. :crazy02: These striped butters were making their debut on Sunday. As of last night, so far 2.2 striped butters. I'll snap some shots of them after they shed next week.
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    Surprise striped corn. . .

    The story is too bazaar to tell, but I sure wasn't expecting this little bugger. "Little" is the key adjective here. Hope he/she likes the menu around here.
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    Coral ghosts. . . .

    Thanks, Jim for letting me post this picture of some of the "coral ghosts". drool!
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    Coral snow . . .

    Getting pinker every generation. Many thanks to Jim at SWR. I'd never have any of these if not for his generosity. Oh yeah, and his talent at making these beauties. Don www.cornsnake.NET
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    Striped butter. . . .

    Here's one of the little 2003 gems.
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    Amelanistic bloodreds . . . .

    Snapped some shots of some of the adults last week. Here are examples of the three different looks of amelanistic bloodreds we're working with. Thank you, Maria for selling back some of my red stock after doing all the hard work. Don