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Search results for query: *

  1. S

    Reputation Power????

    Hey guys I have not been on the forums in awhile, and obviously there was a huge overhaul on the format and what not (it looks great BTW) but anyways I was just wondering what this whole reputation power thing (in the left corner under the names) is all about (I am assuming it is new as I don't...
  2. S

    Vet reccomendations in CO Springs?

    I am moving to Colorado Springs area in a few weeks, and i am going to be looking for a good 'snake doctor' for my crew. I know that several people on the forums are from Colorado, so if you have any helpful suggestions, it would certainly make my search easier!! -thanks!!!, Amy PS if anyone has...
  3. S

    Will change of altitude affect corns?

    hello everyone- I haven't posted in a LONG time, but i do have a question that i thought some of you might be able to help me with- I am moving from california to colorado in a few weeks and there is a big change in altitude there. My new house is at about 7500ft. I know when I go there, i get...
  4. S

    breeder mice are fighting- suggestions?

    I started 1.2 mice on the thirteenth to try to offset the costs of feeding my hatchlings;) and then i introduced another female on the 24th. I hadn't tried this before, but i figured that way the 'birthdays' would be staggered a bit so i would always have a few live... the problem is that the...
  5. S

    genetics on pastels

    I was just curious about pastels- what is the genetic backround? I read what was in the cornsnake manual about them being motley only- the reason i ask is every pic i have seen so far looks like a ghost... are they hypo/anery or do they just look like that in the pics?
  6. S

    Petstore is using DIRT substrate

    Has anyone ever heard of using dirt substrate for corns? The petstore in question has their baby corns in a 6''x12''x5'' (approx.) plastic tub with about three inches of DIRT substrate. On top of this, they are keeping them at at least 66% humidity. This is mandated by the corporate "planagram"...
  7. S

    Petstore using dirt substrate

    Has anyone ever heard of using dirt substrate for corns? The petstore in question has their baby corns in a 6''x12''x5'' (approx.) plastic tub with about three inches of DIRT substrate. On top of this, they are keeping them at at least 66% humidity. This is mandated by the corporate "planagram"...
  8. S

    Interested in buying a ghost, but...

    Rich: I'm interested in buying a ghost from you... I know you are extremely busy this time of year, but i wanted to ask you a question about your ghosts... I am looking to buy a 0.1 ghost that looks like my male to breed him with- the pic on your site under ghosts, 'pics/ghost02.jpg' looks just...
  9. S

    why do i keep getting logged off?

    when i am on for any amount of time, at some point i usually notice that i am not logged on anymore. (I usually notice this because the pictures stop showing up and i have to click on them, which gives me the ' you are not logged in' screen) does anyone know why this happens? or is there a...
  10. S

    Kraft Paper Substrate?

    I was thinking that kraft paper (the brown Paper- bag like stuff) might work as well as newspaper or paper towel and I was just wondering if anyone had tried this?
  11. S

    Update:petstore has me upset

    So i called the petstore today(about the two ghost corns with the old sheds stuck on their tails)- both still have the sheds on. Apparently the person has been putting olive oil on it- that's it. um??!! I'm surprised both tail tips haven't rotted off fully, especially since the one was close to...
  12. S

    petstore has me upset!!

    I just wanted to vent a little- I went to a local petstore- it is a national chain- and i was looking for corns. Normally they have only normals and amels, so i was thrilled when they showed me two BEAUTIFUL ghosts. Upon further inspection, though, i noticed that the tip of BOTH corn's tails...
  13. S

    papertowel/ newspaper substrate-suggestions?

    just a thought... I hear a lot that newspaper or papertowel is one of the best substrates you can use, but I have had a hard time using it successfully with my snakes. I have two adults and two juveniles, and since i got them, they all have always liked digging. My problem is they spend all...