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Search results for query: *

  1. F

    I LOST MY SNAKE =[ =[ =[

    I left the door open a tiny bit last night before bed and he got out. (I know im an idiot) Is there any way you can get snakes to come out? Ive looked but i cant find him.. PLEASE HELP!! :(:(:(:(
  2. F

    Real Branches/Plants or Fake?

    I want to put a climbing branch in for my snake but my local reptile store do not have any in stock. Is it safe to put a branch in that I get from my garden? Will i need to put it in boiling water or something like that to get rid of germs etc?
  3. F

    Help! I cant get my cornsnake back in his box!?!!

    Ive had my Amel Cornsnake for about 2 weeks. And I keep him in a small clear-plastic tub (made for snakes) and i keep that tub inside his vivarium. Today i cleaned his box for the 1st time and wghen I was doing that I put him inside the vivarium. Hes now inside the vivarium and refuses to be...
  4. F

    My Snake is Scared all the time!!!!???

    Can someone tell me how to get my snake used to me? Ive had him almost a week and when i hold him all he wants to do is get away. He used to be calm when i held him until recently.:sobstory:
  5. F

    HELP! I need an answer

    Hello, Im using a 60watt red bulb in my vivarium and im not sure what to do at night, should i turn my bulb off? Its only a plug-in one theres no dimmer. My snake doesn't seem to move very much at night or day. Its an Amel Cornsnake. Thanks! :eatpointe:wavey: