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Search results for query: *

  1. danielle

    Letter's you'd love to write but never would.

    I am stealing this idea from another forum I belong to because I have found it a great to say things we need to say without actually saying them. I'll start... Dear beloved fiance, I know I am worthless these days and can not help out around the house. I know there have been entire months I...
  2. danielle

    It's A Ghost!!!

    Hey Everyone, I've been off for almost the past year due to some crazy health issues that came out of the blue. I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease, a liver hemangioma, and have had a few surgeries that have set me back big time. Not a fun year at all, but things are starting to get better...
  3. danielle

    Male het for sunkissed, lav, blood, char., ultra, and caramel

    I need a male of any age with obviously a lot of hets,lol I'm sure I can't find one male with all of these, but if you have a male or two with at least three of these hets let me know:)
  4. danielle

    Breeding Rats?

    Some of you know I have a picky boa that will only eat live no matter what- I've tried everything under the sun and still no f/t for him. So it occurred to me it may be a good idea to breed my own rats since an adult mouse is no longer a full meal for him and buying multiples is a pain in my...
  5. danielle

    Yay Government health care:(

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcBaSP31Be8 Doesn't get better than this:(
  6. danielle

    VA Del. Bob Marshall....

    Please tell me someone else has heard this I am beyond outraged as a woman and mother. http://www.newsleader.com/article/20100222/NEWS01/2220318 This is the exact reason there is a legal separation between church and state and yet time and time again elected officials use their religious views...
  7. danielle

    3 days with no power:(

    Friday night our power went out which means the snakes have lived in extremely low temps for the last 72 hours. Our generator ran out of gas, we discovered our gas tanks had slow leaks in them, I ran out of heat packs early in, and the list goes on. On a positive note ALL reptiles have made it...
  8. danielle

    Davids Boa Thread...or not!!

    Queztacoytl, I have a question for you. Did you hack into Davids account and start a bogus thread about him getting boas? You know David gets himself in enough trouble all by himself and didn't need your help...thats if you honestly did this in the first place. I have to wonder why anyone...
  9. danielle

    Meet our new puppy!!!!

    This is Zoe a 10 week old GSD who followed me home I swear... My neighbor bred her and I got to watch her come into the world and grow up which has been really fun. My lab Henry seems to like her so far and when my kids come home they are going to be over the moom:)
  10. danielle

    Update on the crew...well most of them:)

    It's been awhile since I updated my corns and instead of making multiple photo posts I decided to just make one big thread. This is pretzle an 08 gold dust from Tom Thompson. She was my second corn and has one of the sweetest most laid back personalities ever! Next up is Chile a female...
  11. danielle

    Best way to feed live?

    Some of you may know my boa has been on a 5 week hunger strike and has begun to lose weight. I am going to get a live mouse or rat soon to try and get a meal into him but have some questions. Should I dangle the rodent from tongs to avoid the boa getting bit? I imagine the mouse will sqeek and...
  12. danielle

    Some sage parenting advice needed

    So today I find out my daughter who is in a GT program failed her unit 2 math test and has been passing notes in class...again. A month into the school year the teacher made me aware of the note passing in which my daughter outright denied. I decided to be smart knowing she was guilty and told...
  13. danielle

    Really cute thing to do with the kids!!

    My girlfriend Amanda has her children learn a new word every week and its meaning. They alwaays pic the most awesome words and his videos are freaking adorable...watch www.youtube.com/altergrounds
  14. danielle

    Some quick shots of a few male cresteds...minor DUW

    Was bored so I snapped some of the boys!! First up is Duffy. He's unfired in the picture but he's a beautiful black and cream pinstripe. Next up is snot a cream on cream who was being his usual nutball self and would be still. Then we have gargamel my nastiest, but prettiest fellow. He's a...
  15. danielle

    Boa feeding woes:(

    So my little lunch has now refused his third meal in a row making it a little over 3 weeks since he last ate. He shed Saturday and the week before I knew it was coming so his not eating did not worry me. I have read some boas take the whole winter off and refuse to feed so I'm not sure I'm...
  16. danielle

    Emergency king snake help needed!!

    I am really freaking out right now I just found my new king in her water dish, in a knot, and drowning for no reason. I just happened to check on her and see a full shed hanging over the water dish and her nose under lifeless all twistd up. I pulled her out, dried her off especially around her...
  17. danielle

    Oh the Snow

    For those of you not on the northern east coast:)
  18. danielle

    Meatbaall & Noodles (thanks Stephen!!)

    This is my new pair from Stephen a male hypo lav and a female plasma. Neither are hatelings and both redily took their first meal here which is very exciting. Sorry for the bad pics I have a good camera just no skills,lol First three are Meatball the male Brent has blue bowls, but I got...
  19. danielle

    For butthead a.ka. David (Chewie Pics)

    Here you go a few from the clan:) I have more, but my eyes hurt from looking at tiny pics,lol
  20. danielle

    Fun with the Lunch

    Well our boa has been here a little over a month now and is eating and growing well. He's still very hissy in his cage, but once out truely is a snuggly puppy dog who hangs on my bed with me for hours. Snapped a couple of pics of him being cute:) You can see his pretty tail here.