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Search results for query: *

  1. MinLynn

    Java the Hut!*pics for Danny and anybody else that wants to see 'em*

    So as some of you know we took in Danny's bunny,Java! He's a total sweet-heart and we all love him to bits! He has a blast getting to run around the living room and scaring my cats. He never drifts into the other rooms and his favorite place is under one of my end tables or behind the recliner...
  2. MinLynn

    Chet the Bairds Rat Snake Progression Thread

    So here's some very recent of our pretty little bairds! He's a total sweetie and of course gorgeous to boot! Just shed today so I thought I would snap some pics of his smexy self!:
  3. MinLynn

    RIP Surry Girl! :(

    So my little rescue BP,Surry passed on last night. Right in the middle of all the fighting and turmoil, I found her dead! I knew something was wrong and was getting ready to make a vet app. I guess I was just too late. She wouldn't shed. No matter what I tried she could not shed. I had heard...
  4. MinLynn

    Photo Spree! DUW!

    So tub cleaning day arrived and I decided to take pics of all my corns! Well,not all. A couple were in blue or lunging at my face! No pics of them! Sangria F 07 Normal Motley: Ginny F Hypo? Pinky 05 F Amel(sunglow?): Voldemort 03 M Normal: Padma 07 F Normal: Molly 08 F Caramel...
  5. MinLynn

    Rescued another one! LOL!

    Yes! We rescued another corn! This one's a biggun! I mean probably the largest corn we have and Voldemort weighs around 700g and this one dwarfs him! Anyway, S/he came with a lovely case of mites so right into quaruntine it went! Had to call Robbie and get the Nix solution recipe to start...
  6. MinLynn

    Carly the Cali-King!

    So,my daughter has been absolutely sad over the escape of Diablo the Eastern Milk. That little thing was the devil-reincarnate and she loved him more than life itself. She's been begging for another "bitey" snake and fell in love with this little girl. Only problem is...........she's yet to...
  7. MinLynn

    Jax: 09 male blood!

    Sooooo Matt and I finally got a blood! YAY! We've wanted one since we first got into corns and thanks to Kyle we now own one! He's super sweet and super pertyful! Jaxson(Jax):
  8. MinLynn

    Progression Thread for AngelDust!

    So I figured I'd start a progression thread for our little LTR! Last pic I posted she was in deep blue so not looking so hot,but she's since shed and is GORGEOUS!! She also gave me a good bite! LOL! She was also named Lucy but that's such a common name and it sounded as if we couldn't come up...
  9. MinLynn

    OUR Dayton pick-ups!*finally*

    So I finally got to see my new snakes last night! YAY! Plus,I got to see my hubby after so long! Double YAY! Male Creamsicle(Richie) Male Bairds Rat(Dayton) And one of the infamous LTRs! Turns out mine isn't the one who is scared of Mike's Hard Lemonade. That was Hallie's! Mine just likes...
  10. MinLynn

    Haven is getting bigger!

    Haven our CRB is getting much bigger! Still haven't had her/him sexed yet,though. Not really panicked over getting it done right now.
  11. MinLynn

    Sadie our 07 Normal BP

    I don't think I've ever shown pics of Sadie before. If I did, I sure don't remember it and they couldn't have been that good! LOL! We bought Sadie from Kyle a while ago. She absolutely gorgeous with chocolate brown colors and beautiful white belly and sides. The only problem is switching her...
  12. MinLynn

    This Cracked Me Up!

    Sorry,but,I found this local Craigslist ad HILARIOUS!!! You may not appreciate it if you're not into hunting at all,but,we are so I laughed my butt off! Enjoy! http://akroncanton.craigslist.org/hsh/1340820551.html
  13. MinLynn

    I got Daytona purchases without even being there! SUPRISE TO ME!

    So, I spoke to Matt earlier today and turns out he picked up an 09 Lavender Motley baby! YAY! I've been wanting a lav for soooo long and the motley just makes it even better! AND I guess we also have a leusistic(sp?)Texas Rat? Hmmm? I wasn't planning on one of those! Matt says he's pretty big...
  14. MinLynn

    My new "cornsnake"

    So, someone we know bought a cornsnake off craigslist. I had seen the add and the picture was of a 09 hatchling cornsnake that the owners wanted to get rid of because it was a "striker" and they named it Striker. I passed it over because I didn't want to pay $25 for a normal that I didn't know...
  15. MinLynn

    More Portraits of my daughter....DUW!

    Ariel begged me to dress her up and take pics today. I dreaded it because of the 90 degree weather but who can say no to her face?! She loved it but I sweated my butt off(I wish literally!). Enjoy them! I enjoy taking them!
  16. MinLynn

    4 of the 7(kitties that is!)

    So this evening,these are the 4 out of my 7 kitties that decided it was Mommy time. Thought I'd share the pics I took of them: First up is Turtle. Now she's never done this before and I know for a fact the only way she could've done this was to climb up on the snake rack so after the pic she...
  17. MinLynn

    Hades in blue AGAIN! Any ideas as to why?

    So here's a couple of pics of Hades my boa in blue AGAIN! He just shed about a month ago and he's blue again. That's not normal I know but I checked him over before I took the pics(he was NOT a happy boy!) and I see no wounds,mites,scrapes nothing! Could it be he really isn't 4 years old and...
  18. MinLynn

    3 of our 6 new corns! Thanks Hallie!

    Here are pics of 3 of our 6 new corns we picked up from Hallie. The other 3 just weren't being cooperative today. Plus the one male HATES me! Every time I open his tub he hisses and goes for my face! Quite funny but,until he calms down some more,he'll have to wait for picture taking! LOL...
  19. MinLynn

    Such a sad night I'm having!

    My poor Stumpy has passed on guys!:cry: I knew with the advanced stages of MBD he had that he probably didn't have long. No matter what I did for the little guy he just wouldn't put on weight. He was just starting to eat a little protein on his own and starting to climb more. In fact this...
  20. MinLynn

    I brought Tequila back!

    So, as usual today,my daughter wanted to give Tequila his bath. No biggee. She does it all the time. I get the water in the tub and she sits with him. She's also supposed to come and get me every 10 minutes or so,so that I can check the temps and add more hot water as he needs. Well,for some...