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  • Users: Kali
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  1. Kali


  2. Kali

    making corn lovers

    My niece is a kindergarden teacher, and she asked me wether I would mind/like to visit her class to show the kids my snakes. They had discussed it in class, and every one of them assured her they wouldn't be afraid to touch one. According to her, that statement was accompanied by a facial...
  3. Kali

    Finally some action!

    I've been waiting so anxiously! You probably know what I mean :D
  4. Kali

    Love this!

    I just found the text with a cellphone pic on fb, no more information. I'm not sure it really happened, but I do hope it did :D Sad that there are people like that, nice way to handle the situation! A 50- something year old white woman arrived at her seat on a crowded flight and immediately...
  5. Kali

    any way to avoid eggs?

    I don't think there is, but I don't know everything, so I thought I'd just ask. Is there any way to avoid that a female lays a clutch of infertile eggs? To make the situation clear: it started with my MBK (I know, not a corn, but I'm coming to that). Last year after a few successfull matings...
  6. Kali

    how babies are made

    Do you know? You can see it here. This is so great! I do love Pixar :D
  7. Kali

    mites and ticks

    Somebody told me he got mites on his snakes from his feeder mice. Is this possible? I thought that mammal mites normally didn't live on reptiles, but I might be wrong here. Just making sure...
  8. Kali

    classics and anery's, location Belgium

    As several members here are on this side of the big pond, I thought why not post an ad here too. I got a clutch of classics and a few anery's. They shed without problems and most have had their third meal already. I cannot ship here, so the distance must best not be too big. I'm located above...
  9. Kali

    Anybody keep horned frogs?

    I have a question about my ornata, and I'm not sure where to find people that keep them, so I'll try here. I have a (little over) one year old horned frog, and I'm a bit worried that he's getting too fat. I feed him two medium grashoppers every five days, and occasionally a fuzzy mouse. Now...
  10. Kali

    Shed skin mmmm snug

    Most of the time I leave the shed skin in the viv for a few days. No real reason for that, otherwise that I like it myself. Gonzo thought it was a good idea to try it back on. "Look mom, it still fits!!" :laugh:
  11. Kali

    Isis, my new sunset boa

    This wasn't planned! I wanted to get a boa next year! We are kind of rebuilding our house this year, so buying plans were moved to next year. I have been reading up on boa care and after a huge amount of pics, I decided that I liked the sunsets best. Sunsets aren't very common, not here anyway...
  12. Kali

    Finally I have pippies!

    YESSS!!! After all the pacing and being a complete nervous fool, this is what I saw when I went to check the eggs (bad pic, and hard to see anyway, look in the middle of the pic between the eggs) Halfway out of the egg, I'll leave him be for a while. Apparantly from one of the eggs underneath...
  13. Kali

    Oh please now!

    This is getting ridiculous!! Last year my clutch hatched at day 56. Day 61 now and still nothing!! Unfortunately not really strange, because the temps were overall a little lower. What is ridiculous is not that they still didn't hatch (61 is not really too long as you know), but the way I'm...
  14. Kali

    clump or loose

    I was just wondering about why some females lay their eggs in a tight clump, and others get loose eggs (or even in a string). Personally for me loose eggs would be easier. My female laid a big clump of eggs, almost all stuck together, and I think there are some of the eggs completely surrounded...
  15. Kali

    and skip!

    I think they have been practicing for quite some time :) Apparantly this is what a half time in US Navy basketball looks like. Link
  16. Kali

    elk calf playing in the mud

    I really love this vid! The calf is so extremely playfull and really seems to enjoy himself :D
  17. Kali

    vet info on eggbinding, any thoughts?

    I had to go to my vet recently as my beautifull MBK Cruella had gotten eggbound. It already had gotten quite serious and in the end he had to cut her open to get everything out and clean the mess up. Several eggs had opened inside of her, wasn't looking good, but she's slowly getting better now...
  18. Kali

    MBK mating...too much blood?

    I was so happy my MBK's hooked up almost immediately. They have been locked for more than 2 hours now, I just went checking and there is a puddle of blood there. I know that when my corns mate, there can be a bit of blood, but isn't this way too much? This is my first non-corn mating, so I'm not...
  19. Kali

    Poor dog! hilarious though

    Not many things literally make me laugh out loud. This one did :roflmao: I hope he didn't have to wear it long. Look here
  20. Kali

    guarding the stairs

    Nothing special, but I thougth it was a funny sight. I hardly ever see her in such a perfect coil. NO ONE is setting foot on those stairs!!! :D