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  1. GillianC

    Updates: 2013 Hatchlings and More

    It's been a while since I've posted anything, but I figured I might as well update on a few of the exciting things that have happened this year. Unfortunately this has not been a great year for my collection - starting in January a whole variety of problems started to crop up that I had never...
  2. GillianC

    Guess the Snake!

    So yesterday at the Hamburg show I acquired a new snake - one that I haven't actually seen at the shows before (though I may have simply overlooked them!). I was rather excited, and I want to show him off, but first I want to see if anyone can identify him! So here are a few pictures (head not...
  3. GillianC

    2012 Amber Blood

    Well, the Hamburg, PA show got me again. I've managed to make it through two years of shows without buying any animals, but today I finally gave in. I passed an aquarium full of hatchling corns for $15 each - who could resist?! I saw some little guys in there with gorgeous bloodred head...
  4. GillianC

    October Babies!

    This is my first clutch from parents who weren't classics! I was very excited for the outcome, hoping to prove out my ghost's possible amel het. But what I ended up with was somewhat unexpected... Parents: Opal het. 50% Motley x Ghost het. Stripe 66% Caramel 50% Amel Hatchlings 1, 3 and 4...
  5. GillianC

    Converting to Frozen/Thawed

    So quite frankly, I've looked up lots of ways to convert a snake from eating live to eating frozen/thawed - I've tried several. But I have a very stubborn baby. Two, actually. Neither are corn snakes, but I figure advice on corn snakes may help. What would you do with an extremely stubborn 2...
  6. GillianC

    Anomalous Hatchlings?

    This year I was lucky enough to have a late clutch of eggs from one of my younger females. Out of six eggs, three have hatched and quite frankly, I'm a bit confused! Here's the pairing: Opal 50% het. Motley x Ghost het. Stripe 66% Caramel 50% Amel. The phenotypes of the three hatchlings are 2...
  7. GillianC

    Some Pretty Portraits

    Well, it really has been a while since I've posted an update on any of my snakes. My patience wears thin trying to photograph animals that won't sit still, so often I find myself simply giving up. But even despite my frustration, I've still managed to take a few decent close-ups recently, so...
  8. GillianC

    Late Introductions

    I suddenly realized that I haven't posted my own thread in almost three months, so I figured it was time for a little update! Given that my collection in Kingston is half of what I have back in Pennsylvania, I can't provide updates on everyone, but I figured I might as well at least try to get...
  9. GillianC

    Lamprophis anyone?

    I already posted another thread about the other little guy I picked up at the Hamburg show, so this one is due for some acknowledgement. But I am a bit curious about him as well. Outback has had house snakes for a while, but I don't recall seeing this species, only inornatus, something they have...
  10. GillianC

    Feeling like a Thief

    Well, today was quite exciting. I didn't actually steal anything, but I kind of feel like I did. As I'm sure many in my area are aware, the Hamburg show was today. I didn't think I'd be home for it, but alas I was. Aside from needing mice and such, I was also sort of half looking for a cheap...
  11. GillianC

    Adèle - Opal Progression

    I think I may try to start some decent progression threads for some of my more interesting snakes. But right now I'm really just looking for an excuse to introduce one of my new snakes - 0.1 opal, Adèle. She's set to hopefully be a mate for my lavender het. blood, Jasper, although I'm not...
  12. GillianC

    All Things Anery

    Over the past two years I've been building on my corn collection, and I recently noticed that about half of my future breeders are homozygous for anerythrism. So I decided why not post a little thread comparing them all? First up is Carla! I've had her for almost two years now, and she was my...
  13. GillianC

    The Boys

    Well, it has certainly been a while since I've been able to upload any photos, mainly due to the fact that I haven't been home! Regardless, here are a few pictures of some of the boys in my collection. When I finish getting updated photos of everyone I'll post them. Langdon - '09 Pewter (19.8...
  14. GillianC

    Part of the Collection

    Much to my excitement, I got to go home last week! I tried to take as many pictures as possible of my snakes, but the little buggers hate sitting still. Regardless, I did get a few shots! Neo - July 2008 Classic (60.15 g) Atticus - July 2008 Classic (27.85 g) Charlie - July 2008 Classic...
  15. GillianC

    Nom nom nom...

    I figured I'd grab a couple shots of my babies eating as I fed them today. Jasper didn't mind at all that I was right up close and personal with my huge camera...and huge self, too hahaha I got a picture of Fuji before he decided to drop his mouse, and I'm waiting for him to eat now. At any...
  16. GillianC

    Bloodred - LeStat Progression

    I feel this little guy deserves a progression thread of his own, finally. I got him from my dad, who was doing a project on kingsnakes trying to figure out how they manage to fit animals the same size of themselves in their stomachs. Well, this little guy was too big for the project (even though...
  17. GillianC

    Swollen Abdomen

    I'm curious as to the possible causes of minor swelling in the abdomen roughly between the end of the liver and the gall bladder. I'm hoping that it's not Cryptosporidiosis. The fact that the snake who happens to be suffering from this has yet to refuse a meal, regurgitate, or have any evident...
  18. GillianC

    What a welcome home!

    Well, while I was away at university I decided to order a few more snakes for myself; a pewter, phantom, ghost stripe and normal stripe to be exact. My mom has also decided to expand (or start, really) her own collection, and on top of that she got me another little one for Christmas!!! I went...
  19. GillianC

    Rico and Friends - Normal Hatchlings

    Well, I haven't posted anything much in a while, and I took these pictures back in October but didn't decide to show most of them until now. I guess I got sort of distracted by everyone else's cool morphs and just sort of let my little guys get pushed to the back of my mind. But at any rate...
  20. GillianC

    Pewter, Phantom and Stripes

    I've been wanting a pewter and a ghost stripe for so long that I finally gave in. I looked on the VMS site and found exactly what I was searching for, as well as the other two that I just couldn't pass up! Langdon, 1.0 Pewter het Amel 66% het Anery Diego, 1.0 Ghost Stripe 66% het Caramel 50%...