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Search results for query: *

  1. AliasI

    0.1 Abbott Okeete

    Hi! Let me introduce you the newest member of "world-of-okeetees" ;-) Hope you like this girl as much as I do :) ...She produced some really ugly, dark Abbotts 2 years ago :crazy02:
  2. AliasI

    Little 0.1 Okeetee

    Hi together, just want to show you one of my favorite little Okeetees :D Thanks for whatching!!
  3. AliasI

    0.1 Okeetee

    Hi, I just want to show you a nice female Okeetee from late 2011. What do you think about her?
  4. AliasI

    1.0 Holdback - Okeetee ph. SK

    Hi!! I'd like to post some snapshots (after 1st and 3rd shed) of my 2011 keeper ;) Thx for watching...:cheers:
  5. AliasI

    Progression - 1.0 Hypo P/S Bloodred

    Hi, this is my beautiful arrival from Finland!! Thank you Mari!!
  6. AliasI

    1.0 Okeetee / Lee Abbott

    This is one of my Okeetee males from Lee Abbott :devil01:...
  7. AliasI

    1.0 Abbott Okeetee x 0.1 Okeetee het. SK

    It's my first breeding!! Abbotts x Okeetee het. SK ...:cheers:
  8. AliasI

    Blue eyes!!

    Hi guys!! the weather was great today and I saw the first butterfly in 2011 :D She/he has beautiful blue eyes!!! Have a nice day :wavey:
  9. AliasI

    daylight-picture :)

    Can't resist to post this sweet "daylight-picture" of a young lady...
  10. AliasI

    1.0 Abbott Okeetee - 2010

    Hi!! ...one of my 2010 males :D
  11. AliasI

    crazy little creature

    such an aggresiv little worm...!! He hates me and I don't know why :mad: I absolutely love his colors!!
  12. AliasI

    3 little girls

    Hi!! I would like to post a short update of my 3 little girls.. ...hope you like it ;-)
  13. AliasI

    0.1 Okeetee het. SK

    Hi!! what do you think about my new 2008 Okeetee het. Sk? I like her very much :laugh: ==> Thanks for watching
  14. AliasI

    1.0 Extreme Okeetee & comparison

    Hi!! This is my little Extreme Okeetee from SMR. He looks different (brighter) to my other little Okeetees. It will be exciting to see his progression!
  15. AliasI

    Just another Okeetee

    The little grey Hatchling becomes great :) Thx for watching ...Stefan
  16. AliasI

    Sunkissed Okeetee

    Hi together, I'm searching for a nice Sunkissed Okeetee for Hamm (Germany) in September. Thanks so much in advance! Stefan
  17. AliasI

    Okeetee update

    Hi together!! here's a short update of my okeetee-boy: Thx for watching ;o) Stefan
  18. AliasI

    Lee Abbott Okeetee

    Hi together, here is my new beautiful arrival from Sarasota :crazy01:
  19. AliasI


    the light offfff!!!! :eek1:
  20. AliasI

    Little Abby

    Hatch date: 24.05.2009 Name: Abby Here is our new little Abbotts Okeetee :spinner: She is soo cute and I can't wait to see her colors in a few months :crazy02: