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Search results for query: *

  1. Marica

    Gargoyle Gecko

    I've made the leap :D into four-legged reptiles - I picked up a gargoyle gecko last weekend at the local reptile show. This guy hatched on July 2, 2010. The breeder handles her geckos quite frequently so he's quite calm despite my nervousness. He has even licked a couple CGD meals right off of...
  2. Marica

    Wood Cage Build Guide

    Please bare with me, this is my first DIY build guide. I really enjoy designing and building stuff for my animals and put a fair bit of research into this project. I’ve included links wherever I thought more information would be helpful. If you have any questions or comments I'd love to hear...
  3. Marica

    Grendl - '10 Mexican Black Kingsnake

    Well, I joined the MBK Club a couple months back. He's taken some getting used to and we've learned to keep paper towel handy to clean up as he almost always musks when we take him out. He's usually better once out for a bit though. And he's very aggressive with his food, chomping down and...
  4. Marica

    The Wait Was Worth It

    I held my first boa, a common, almost 15 years ago and immediately began my research. I bought tons of snake books and after turning a page, I saw it...a Dumeril's Boa :eek: I wasn't ready at the time for a boa, so instead I delved into Corn Snakes. Then at the last local reptile show my once...
  5. Marica

    Opal Motley

    There have been many opals posted on here, but after seeing Caramel’s '08 opal motley :eek: they were officially added to my wish list. Then 2 weeks ago I found an ad for a pair of opal motleys and contacted the seller. She had someone that was willing to take them both, but who was more...
  6. Marica

    Teagan - 09 Lavender

    My boyfriend picked up this little guy from Rebecca (Triple-R-Corns) at the local reptile show a couple weeks ago. This is a big step as he wouldn't even come into my room where I had my snake tanks when we started seeing each other 6 years ago. Rebecca had to clean him off as he had poop on his...
  7. Marica

    Slug Laying Questions

    My 08 female Athena began putting on more weight than our 08 male about a month and half ago. They are not co-hab'd and she's had no contact with either of my males. However, I also noticed while putting her back in her viv that there were distinct lumps (approx. 8) as she slithered over my...
  8. Marica

    Anery In Da Hood ;-)

  9. Marica

    Sutures & Shedding

    After months of vet visits, x-rays, blood tests, and not seeing any progression with my gravid female, we opted for surgery last month. We discovered that Naomi was pre-ovulatory and that the follicles were still attached to her ovaries. The unfertilized eggs along with her ovaries were removed...
  10. Marica

    Custom Viv & 20L Cabinet

    Due to lack of space and multiple felines we had some custom stackable vivs with stand made this summer for our adult corns. However, while waiting for the above to be made we went to a show and... came home with 2 yearling corns. Once we got the unit we were able to move the yearlings into...
  11. Marica

    '08 Amel Motleys - Athena & Helo

    Picked these two up at the Red Deer show a couple months ago. My first motleys! I love their bellies and Athena's perfect pattern from neck to tail. Too many photos to sort through, but here's a couple... Athena Helo
  12. Marica


    I'll try to keep this as short and to the point as possible... My female was last with my male in early March of this year (4 months ago). She showed signs of being gravid and I offered a lay box. She has continued to feed, poop and shed, and seems very alert and active. However, the eggs have...
  13. Marica

    Hello from Canada!

    Hi Everyone, My name is Marica (mah-rye-kah). I am Dutch-Canada. I have never been without pets in my life. From hamsters, gerbils, rabbits, cats, dogs, freshwater fish and corn snakes. I am also a professional animal groomer. At the moment my family consists of 4 dogs, 4 cats and 2 snakes...