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Search results for query: *

  1. ZzombieSoxX

    Exciting Petsmart pick up!

    We found this little fella at Petsmart. He is a gift for my nephew. He was labeled as a normal! The workers there didn't even know what a morph was, sadly. Do you guys have any idea? He is really pink, like a salmon color, and he has the greyish saddles, silver eyes and a grey checkerboard...
  2. ZzombieSoxX

    Nothing too exciting, just showing off :]

    RobZombie,my Snow. My first corn and the love of my life. Draco, not sure of the morph. I have been told amel, Reverse Okeetee and Creamsicle. Malakai, my butter. He has SUCH an attitude and I love it <3 Sid, morph to be determined (opinions?). One of my newest babies. Such a...
  3. ZzombieSoxX

    New Ghost babies

    Had a small reptile show in my town today and I picked these babies up. Male and female ghost stripe (they called her a zipper stripe?) and ghost motley(that also has stripes..). Whatever they are, they are just precious <3
  4. ZzombieSoxX

    New corn, Draco! Morph?

    I just got this little beauty a few days ago from a customer who was uncomfortable with how nippy he was. Two days later and he is like a little puppy dog. He just needed some love :] Ideas on his morph? Creamsicle maybe?
  5. ZzombieSoxX

    It's been awhile! New snakes/other..things.

    I haven't been on here in quite a while! So, I figured I would let you all know what I have been up to in the past few months :] Working in a pet store is really NOT helping with my exotics addiction lol You all remember RobZombie, my first corn (first snake ever). And Tetra, my Asian Vine...
  6. ZzombieSoxX

    My baby ball won't eat :[

    Hi guys. A few weeks ago I got a baby ball python. The first few feedings he did he ate like a pig! The past 2 weeks however, he has stopped. He was eating f/t mice perfectly fine and I'm getting really frustrated now :[ About a week ago I noticed he somehow contracted mites. I've quarantined...
  7. ZzombieSoxX

    Not a snake, but...

    I got another spider!! Lol This is Charlotte Manson, my new Mexican BloodLeg. If you can't tell by her bald butt, she's kind of a jerk! But she's gorgeous and I am so excited to have her. God, I love my Pet Shop job!
  8. ZzombieSoxX

    Snow and a Creamsicle?

    At the store I work with, we have a snow corn and a creamsicle corn. They were brought in together, but the owner didn't have them very long and never had them sexed. We have them together in a tank (though I HATE that) and I'm thinking they may have done the nasty (The snow hasn't been eating...
  9. ZzombieSoxX

    The ignorance of people...

    A man came in to my store a few days ago and told me he wanted to get a lizard for his 5 year old son, but told me he had no knowledge of any reptiles and needed my help. I recommended the same two lizards I always do for people who have little to none experience: A bearded dragon or a leopard...
  10. ZzombieSoxX

    Tetra and Ozzy!(Pic heavy)

    Welp, people have been asking so I finally got the camera out and gave Tetra some attention. They're not Photographer quality, but they show you all the things this crazy little vine snake gets into! Oh, hello there. Checkin' out my trash can! And my laptop and cat. And my wall. And the...
  11. ZzombieSoxX

    Yay for new hobbies!

    Started my tarantula experiment a couple of weeks ago. Picked my first arachnid baby up from the store I work at. Avacularia. Avacularia, my darling little Pink Toe, Ozzy :] Just these two pictures for now, spider's are a bit odd to photograph lol
  12. ZzombieSoxX

    Snakes outta the bag!

    After 5 months of hiding her, my mother finally gathered the courage to tell my dad about my secret snake! I've kept my Asian Vine snake a secret for far too long! And of course, what does my dad say? Mom:" Ok, Darryl, I have a secret! Julie has had another snake in her room since April. She's...
  13. ZzombieSoxX

    A new job!

    I'm so excited! I got a job at a local pet shop in my area, with a huge reptile selection! I get to work with a bunch of snakes, every day! From corns to kings, to pythons and boas! I can't wait to expand my love of these wonderful animals! I worked my butt off to get this job and I am going...
  14. ZzombieSoxX

    Some new RobZombie shots

    Haven't posted any of him in awhile, especially since I got Tetra and she's been my newest photo favorite lol, so I thought I'd snap a few shots of my boy. Here's my 4 year old Snow, RobZombie <3 He found a new favorite spot on my mirror (which he then got stuck in!). Tried capturing...
  15. ZzombieSoxX

    My beautiful Tetra (Pic heavy)

    Haven't posted any pictures of my sweet girl in awhile. Just want you all to know she's still thriving with me. For a snake with such a complicated reputation, I have yet to encounter a problem with her (knock on wood LOL). So, here she is, my lovely Asian Vine, Tetra. She always wraps...
  16. ZzombieSoxX

    My favorite accessories!

    Well, not really, but they would be great conversation starters if I just walked around with them around my neck lol. ( Oh, and since Tetra isn't a corn I posted this is general chit chat lol) So, here are Rob Zombie and Tetra, my favorite necklaces :] Tetra <3 And Rob Zombie <3...
  17. ZzombieSoxX

    Watching Tetra eat...

    I watched my asian vine eat today. It was almost terrifying to see her tiny, thin little body stretch like that, but the lizard was gone in no time! No problems were had and I was amazed. It's definitely different from watching my corn eat a meal. And in no time, it was gone. Look at her...
  18. ZzombieSoxX

    I really want another..

    People kept telling me that when I get one corn, I'm eventually going to want another. Of course, me being stubborn just laughed it off and replied "One is enough." One is not enough! I want another so bad! I'd love a bloodred, or a butter, but since I have one corn and an asian vine, I have no...
  19. ZzombieSoxX

    Asian Vine Snake update

    Hey guys, just wanted to let you know the Asian Vine Snake I took in a few weeks ago is doing great! A complete turn around from when I first picked her up. She's become a very social snake, almost always coming out of her vines and hides whenever I come around the cage. She even drinks water...
  20. ZzombieSoxX

    Second snake, not even a corn..

    Well, I knew it was inevitable. I knew once I got one snake, I was going to want another. I just thought, ya know, it'd be another corn. Nooope! Not the case here. A friend of mine had to get rid of this beauty because he was moving and where he was moving didn't allow reptiles. So, meet...