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Search results for query: *

  1. goldelx6


    SO, first clutch ever, bred motley ghost het blood to blizzard... There must be some hidden genes with these two, because this sure looks like a hypo mandarin baby.... Any ideas? Pioneer advise, bc all the others look like blizzards... ???
  2. goldelx6

    Eggs Caving

    :bird: First ever clutch... Day 55... Needless to say I am geeking out right now. Checked eggs this morning and 2 were caving slightly. Got home tonight and all 5 eggs have dents in them. From what I have researched this means pippies soon. I am trying to remain calm and patient, however it is...
  3. goldelx6

    temps for egg incubation

    so i have my first clutch finally. I am trying to do the best for the eggs and want a successful hatch rate like anyone else. I have a temp monitor that shows me the highest and lowest readings. I have a humidity gauge too. now my only concern is why i cant get this temp to stabilize. it varies...
  4. goldelx6

    100 Flower Ratsnakes...

    I stumbled across a picture of this species the other day and immediately fell in love. Does anyone have any information or tips on this snake? Ive got so far that they like mid 70's they like rat pinks and fuzzies they are imported from asia and normally found in caves and the like... get in...
  5. goldelx6


    Knowing that this is belated, I see it better late then never... I wanted to get the feel of this forum first before first just jumping in and saying "Hi". Quite honestly this is my first experience wanting to join forum community so I was apprehensive and trying to figure it all out...