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Search results for query: *

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    frog pictures

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    Some more macro shots

    This may not be as exciting as the viper but I just don't run across vipers every day so this is all I have. If anyone has any suggestions on making these pics more appealing, please let me know. I print and frame these pics for a school in Costa Rica to get the kids interested in their...
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    Eyelash viper

    I took this shot the other day and thought I would share.
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    Iguana rain dance

    My son's iguana playing in the rain.
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    I took this picture the other day and thought I would share. I have tried for 2 years to get close enough to photograph a dragonfly. I got lucky and pulled off a decent shot.
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    Cool shots of the Iceland volcano

    I don't know if this is a repost but these are some awesome photos. Lightning and lava = cool. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36645958?GT1=43001
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    live feeding now/FT later

    I was wondering if I feed my corn snake live pinkys now and feed it FT later if she would get used to just wanting live food in the future. I don't have a supplier for anything other than pinkys or full grown mice in my area and I don't like having to kill the pinkys before feeding my snake. She...
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    Is birch OK for corn snakes?

    My daughter wants to build a little house for her corn snake and I have some thin birch plywood. Is this OK to use or is it bad like pine or cedar? Thanks. Isaac
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    Snake ID

    I found this snake in my yard yesterday. Is it a common water snake? It had no markings other than gray and elongated rough scales. The neighbors are clearing out some land for a lot and he must have been forced out of his home. Poor little guy, but I relocated him to a safe spot in the woods...
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    crazy copy cat

    This is not a very good picture (taken with a cheap camera,but priceless)but look how this blue morph butterfly imitates a snake head while his/her wings are closed for protection against predators. Look at the tip of it's wings. You can see a snake head with jaw lines, eyes, and nostrils. Just...
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    Here are a few pics of insects/snake food......I know....not for corns. Going in for food. The eagle has landed. Poor little guy lost his wing. I was wondering why he wasn't camera shy. I didn't notice till I got home and downloaded the image.
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    Introducing my children to the passion I had as a child

    Hi all, I just adopted a lavender/candy cane corn snake for my kids. I have always had a love of snakes and it seems that they are intrigued by them as well. I just wanted to introduce myself to the forum and had a question as well. What should the exact humidity be for this snake? I have a...