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Search results for query: *

  1. V

    Help! Skinny corn?

    Muscles is wild-caught and I have no idea of his real weight (I don't have anything to measure grams in) but I think he may be too skinny. He's 2 feet long and still on fuzzies. They are the perfect size for him. Here's the most recent pic I have: Do you think he's too skinny? :(
  2. V

    My baby

    Probably will not be my only corn snake given that I am getting RUBs soon (and an RUB rack or two depending on how much money I have at the time) so I will probably get a few more but for now this is my brilliant little baby boy/girl Muscles :D He's a crazy 25" (he was 15" when I got him!) and...
  3. V

    Wildcaught corns?

    What's your experience with wc corns? I guess I got lucky, because Muscles hasn't had any problems whatsoever, but my garter did, and led to his release during a rainstorm, when he was in his element. What's your experience with wc corns?
  4. V


    All snakes have personalities, believe it or not! What is your snakes? I'll describe once I get an idea of what I'm going to say :)
  5. V

    Breeding Q's

    I've been gathering up a few questions for a while now about breeding snakes...I've finally decided I'm ready to post them. Just answer as many as you can, and please, PLEASE reply!!! I need you guys :) What year could/should I breed them? What are some ways to ensure breeding without...
  6. V

    Why would you have to--and how would you?--kill a hatchling

    I was reading something about if a hatchling snake isn't "meant to be" you kill it. Why and how would you kill it? do they mean non-feeders? I know a cure to non-feeding, so why on EARTH would you kill a snake? Deformity? How? :( :nope: This makes me really depressed!
  7. V

    What morph is he/she?

    This is Muscles, my pride and joy. I'm suspecting highly that Muscels is an Upper Keys, or a Rosy rat snake, because I'm SORT OF in that area (maybe a little too far up, SW Florida area, Port Charlotte) and his ventral doesn't look like that of a Carolina. I know he is a "normal" but WHAT kind...
  8. V

    New member

    Hi guys, I'm a new member here :) I currently own 1 Corn snake Muscles and 1 Royal/Ball python named Zeus, both normals. Although I have 2 different species I favor corn snake immensly and hope to breed them in the future :) I found Muscles on November 26th 2009 (Thanksgiving) in our yard. The...