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Search results for query: *

  1. Cattsy

    2yo snake regurge

    Okay SO a friend of mine has a 2yo Corn. He's always eaten well once every ten days lately. He was just moved up to adult mice about a month ago. My friend (not very experienced contacted me the other day, said that his snake was "eating weird" all of a sudden, that it looked like he was...
  2. Cattsy

    Feeding bins

    Okay, so common practice is to use a separate bin for feeding. Des everyone have a separate bin PER SNAKE? or do you use the same bin for multiple snakes? I have a small aquarium that I use for feeding the big guys, I just have to make sure to feed the king first otherwise she goes crazy...
  3. Cattsy

    Ordering bins?

    Hi everyone! Well I've only just completed my first rack and now am considering another one :p I'm wondering where you all order your bins from? SPecifically I'm looking for somewhere that ships to Canada... Trina
  4. Cattsy

    My Shambhala Experience!

    I had a few people requesting pictures about our vacation to Shambhala this year and though it's taken me awhile to get around to loading up the pictures I finally did it today. For those that don't know, Shambhala is a huge music festival held in the Kootney Mountains of British Columbia in a...
  5. Cattsy

    Hatelings and being a sissy!!

    Okay... so I admit it... I'm a sissy... Of my seven new babies five are wonderful little darlings. THe other two however are tail rattling, hissing striking nighmares lol... Aaron is pretty little so he's not so bad, Artemis is a little bigger so makes me stop a little bit... but I have a...
  6. Cattsy

    Heating/Feeding question

    I just got seven new snakes, which are in 15L sterilites. Problem? My flexwatt didn't arrive before the snakes did.... DOH. It's HOT here right now... I've got two thermometers in the new tubs. Last night they were as low as 72, right now they're sitting at 80... I'm thinking these babies...
  7. Cattsy

    My New Additions

    I got these guys last week from Rebecca at Triple R Corns :) After hauling them all over the province for a few days I finally got them home and settled and snapped a few pics as I labelled them and put them away. First up my two little hateling boys LOL Aaron - Lavender het. Hypo/Stripe ph...
  8. Cattsy

    Squeakers are here!

    So my pregnant kitty Blue Belle finally had her babies!! Blue Belle is my BirmanxSiamese girl and she was bred to a purebred Seal point siamese. She gave me five wriggly little babies last night :) Looks like I have three girls and two boys. Blue is so bonded to me, she actually waited...
  9. Cattsy

    Heating... whole room or rack?

    Okay so my basic question is this. I know alot of people have racks with flexwatt or other heat source along the back of the shelves, I also know that some people heat the whole room, instead of the racks themselves. SO my question is, snakes need belly heat to digest, they also require a...
  10. Cattsy

    Black/dark cornsnakes?

    I'm curious, if there are any morphs that get very dark/black? I've seen every colour of the rainbow, including silver/grey, but never any REALLY dark corns.
  11. Cattsy

    Bad luck with mice! (not mine)

    Okay, so something really cracked me up tonight and I really had to share :p My fiance, has the WORST luck with mice, and food, and well, cooking I guess. First story. Back when him and I were first dating, before we lived together, late one night we were up chatting on MSN. Earlier in the...
  12. Cattsy

    My baby meecers

    Soooo No real questions in this one. I have two litters of mice (my first mousey litters in probably 20 years LOL) they were both born within 12 hours of each other on the same day. One litter has six babies and the other has ten. One thing I've noticed, the smaller litter is growing and...
  13. Cattsy

    When can I move does?

    Okay so both my pregnant does had their litters today. Tomorrow is cleaning day, but I'm afraid of disturbing the does? I'd hate for them to eat these babies :( How long should I wait before I can safely move them to clean their cage? Any tips to reduce their stress? Trina
  14. Cattsy

    Trying to figure out what gene's I should start with

    Okay... So, I think I have an idea of what I want my END result to be... but I'm not sure exactly how to get there. I'm wanting to start with a 2.3 group of corns initially I think I'm quite attracted to light coloured/pink/grey/silver snakes with little or no pattern. I saw a picture...
  15. Cattsy

    Best way to dispatch a mouse?

    Hi guys, I'm just wondering, I know alot of people use CO2 to dispatch their feeders, but I'm wondering is a broken neck a humane way? We used to dispatch rabbits with a broomstick over their necks, and I've accidentally killed a mouse before by putting a cup down on it's neck (long story I...
  16. Cattsy

    Male mice question

    Okay here's the scoop. A week or so ago I got four breeding females from the petstore here. THey are getting out of breeding mice and only will be bringing in frozen now. SO the rodent guy there sold me some of their breeders, they've each had three or so litters but I'm hoping to get one or...
  17. Cattsy


    Hey y'all, Well looks like I've just gotten into the rodent business, at least for a little while. I have a BP that ONLY eats live (and yes, I've tried to switch him) I live in podunk NOwhere and the only place I could buy live feeders was Total Pet and I found out today that they are getting...
  18. Cattsy

    Spotted Pythons?

    Hi everybody! Here's the scoop, I've sorta started getting a reputation for being the "crazy snake girl" everyone knows I'm whacky about snakes. Friend of mine got a hold of me today. Someone she knows has a spotted python that she is wanting to get rid of. I guess she's about three years old...
  19. Cattsy

    Thermometers, timers, other questions

    Hi everyone! So a question about thermometers. We all know how important they are to both spot check and monitor your setup. WHich are your favorites? I currently have the combo temp/humidity type that stick on the back of the tank, and it sucks. So looking for new ones for both my 30 gal...
  20. Cattsy

    Another new one joins the ranks! Saying hi from northern BC :)

    Hi everyone! Figured I had better post an intro since I'm poking around the rest of the forums. I was pointed here by REbecca of Triple R Corns after I enquired about aquiring some snakes from her :) I'm fairly new to the snake hobby and I have yet to purchase my first corn, but am VERY...