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Search results for query: *

  1. ilivenanigloo

    Hiding spots and tales from sneaky people!

    So, I was in the pet store one day talking to the manager about getting an iguana. Somehow, we got to talking about how his dad didn't know he had snakes for years until he moved out. Maybe his dad just never entered his room, who knows? I once caught a snake in my parents' back yard (let it...
  2. ilivenanigloo

    GONE! Extra concern...

    Well, that didn't take long! Caducia has espaped and I have looked in all the places I could think of! I checked under the bed (found a dead snake there! Not mine, don't know what it's doing there), behind the dresser upon which sits her cage, behind and under all objects around the cage and...
  3. ilivenanigloo

    Things That Make No Sense to Me

    I am a new snake owner and I have been some reading and finding things that don't quite make sense. 1) No cohabitation, EVER! They will eat each other no matter what!
  4. ilivenanigloo

    Greetings from the South!

    Hello, I am a first time snake owner and I just got a baby corn snake a week ago. I named him Caduceus, but I found out he's really a Caducia. She has a voracious appetite and seems to be adjusting rather well. I'm here to fill in the gaps of my pre-snake research, which turned out to be less...