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Search results for query: *

  1. C

    2016 Pairings and Updates (LONG!)

    Hi, all-- Apologies to those who have messaged me during the last few months! I am--at long last--finished with the school work and other projects that had me totally swamped. So, rather than trying to respond individually to so many inquiries, I thought I'd post a list of what I have and...
  2. C

    Okeetees: Buf Reverse, Reverse, RC Lava, and Extreme!

    Some of these 2015 hatchlings have appeared in ads from last fall, but I figured it would be easiest to group all Okeetee-types into one post. From the larger clutches, I held back just a few of the best. All of them look as if they will color into amazing adults! All are feeding well on f/t...
  3. C

    A New Batch of Weirdos

    For those who saw 2014's "Weirdos" thread, in 2015 I bred the same male to a distant female relative, an Ultramel Anery Tessera who also exhibited some of the same odd neon yellow/orangish coloration (despite being an Anery). The resulting clutch produced a similar range of odd colorations and...
  4. C

    Pied and Striped Bloodred Morphs

    Apologies to all who have been asking after 2015s that have been sitting on my shelf un-photographed all these months! An unexpected snow day has allowed me to finally photograph the nicest of my 2015 hatchlings, which I held back from wholesale and am now ready to offer. I'm grouping them...
  5. C

    Looking for a New Wholesaler

    Hi, all-- I'm hoping someone can suggest to me a new wholesaler, as my usual one has lost touch with his customer in Asia and can't receive my latest shipment. I have approximately 250 of this year's hatchlings to send, covering a wide variety of morphs. All are feeding (most on f/t, a few on...
  6. C

    Tequila Sunrise Motleys (plus a project pair)

    My handsome pink Tequila Sunrise Motley male came through this year, and sired a large clutch of TS Motley Ultramel Aneries and Snows. One of several quirks of the TS line is that the motley form has very normal saddles and lateral patterning, generally looking like a non-motley except for the...
  7. C

    Pink Things!

    Next up, I have two clutches of extremely pink Snow-types to offer: Champagne Stripes (which I decided to bump to this post, to add more Widestripes to the previous listing without restructuring the photo arrangement), and Coral Snows. The Champagnes come from one of the original lines of...
  8. C

    RedCoat Lava Okeetees

    Next up is a clutch of stunningly bright RedCoat Lava Okeetees, produced by the female and male shown below (first and second pics, respectively). The lovely purple cast that Lava gives to the saddle borders is something the camera can't quite capture, but its contrast with the red makes these...
  9. C

    Miami Okeetees

    My lovely LBR Miami Okeetee female (hugging her eggs in the pic) produced this nice clutch with with my LBR male. Yes, I know newly-hatched Miamis don't look like much (particularly with black borders as thick as these), but I hope the photo of the parents (second pic) gives an idea of the...
  10. C

    Specters and Widestripes

    I finally found time to begin photographing and listing some of what's been hatching in the snake rooms this summer! I'll be grouping it into as few posts as possible, but I hope folks will bear with me having to post so much at once. (Once the semester really gets underway, it'll never get...
  11. C

    BOGO Juveniles and Adults

    In my continuing crusade to free up space and organize future breeding plans, I'm offering a few more nice adults and juvenile holdbacks for sale. This time I'm trying something a little different: animals listed below in Group A are priced as shown; however, if you buy one from Group A, any...
  12. C

    Mountaineer's Coil, Serpent Style

    Probably we've all heard a child ask the question, "Can snakes accidentally tie themseves in a knot . . .? Checking on my stargazer test female the other day, I found her snoozing like this. She even had her head tucked into the loop, but raised it when I opened the bin. Rats! :rofl:
  13. C

    Reduction Sale! (Redux)

    For clarity's sake, I've revised my previous ad to remove snakes already sold, and to post pictures of the rest. Feel free to PM me with any questions or requests! :) I prefer PayPal at [email protected], but will also accept money orders. Thanks for looking! 1.0 2013 Amel Sunkissed...
  14. C

    Reduction Sale!

    As usual, I find I've held on to more snakes and projects than I can realistically manage, so it's time to offer a few for sale! All are healthy, beautiful animals, feeding on frozen unless otherwise noted. Also, I have a 2-year-old garter snake caught as a newborn in Lincoln, Nebraska. I've...
  15. C

    2014 Holdback Sale

    Greetings-- I have finally overcome my usual winter laziness and sorted through my holdbacks from the 2014 season . . . which means I have a number of gorgeous, well-started hatchlings to offer. FedEx shipping will be a flat $45, and I accept PayPal and money orders. Feel free to PM me with...
  16. C

    Hatchling Odds and Ends

    I'd like to offer a few pairs and trios from the more unique clutches, in case anyone has an interest before they go to the wholesaler on September 1st. These are all well-started 2014s, feeding on f/t pinkies. Pics follow--though for the larger groups, I've only posted a couple of...
  17. C

    Adopt a Hypo Blood

    With cage space at such a premium right now, I'd like to offer this fella for adoption, free except for the cost off shipping. ADOPTION PENDING He's a 2012 Hypo Bloodred, 100% het Anery, 50% Amel and Charcoal, currently at 110g. He's a little small for his age due to 1) hatching out at 3g...
  18. C


    Here's a set of non-feeding 2014 hatchlings that are still in good shape, but more than I have time to work with right now. They've been offered f/t 3 times and live pinkies once. If you have time to devote to lizard-scenting, etc., it could really pay off (especially with the het Pewter...
  19. C

    Not sure what to call these, but . . .

    . . . they're more than just your typical Amels. They're all red enough to be considered Fluorescents, most have wide enough borders to qualify as Reverse Okeetees, and a few could even be called Banded. So, label them how you like, but I'm keeping a few to pair with my SMR Fluorescent Banded...
  20. C


    Next up is a lovely clutch of Pewters, feeding and ready for purchase. Their parents are a lovely silvery grey, almost patternless. The babies are 50% het Lavender, and there is a possibility of Stripe as well (since their father is 66% het Stripe, unproven). I have 3.8 (0.1 SOLD), and am...