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Search results for query: *

  1. Charlotte

    Escape. Need hugs.

    Hi all, My beloved Caulker Cay boa, Tucson, got out today. I left his viv unlatched by accident and he made a break for it. I've Ben sobbing hysterically since I realized it. I put water, a hide, and a very hot fuzzy on the ground. I feel like the worst snake mom in human existence and want to...
  2. Charlotte

    Loki - 1.0 Amel Sunglow

    As I mentioned in my earlier thread, I'm looking to rehome Loki. He has so many pictures in other threads I don't feel the need to post more here. :laugh: You can go to my profile and in my Started Threads there's at least 3 photo threads with pictures aplenty of him. Disclaimer: I'm not...
  3. Charlotte

    Having Mixed Thoughts...

    Hey guys - sorry, I know I've been MIA for a really really long time! I'll try to be more active now that school's almost out. :) But I have something that I wanted to kind of gather other's opinions about. So I've had Loki over a year now. Jeez. seems like I just got him home yesterday! Now...
  4. Charlotte

    The Loki Thread

    I know we have at least 3 Lokis on here, so here's the snakes-named-Loki photo thread. :D These are all pretty old (from mid 2012)... he's not super photogenic and very fast, so getting decent pics is hard. He was my first snake and is the tamest thing I've ever seen. He has a pretty...
  5. Charlotte

    New Addition!

    Most of you saw my trials and tribulations through trying to convince my parents to let me get a dwarf boa. I had pretty much given up on the dream until Christmas when my dad asked if my Christmas money was going into the snake fund. I gave him an inquisitive look and he said "Oh, we decided we...
  6. Charlotte


    Well, as posted in my earlier thread, I have been doing very in-depth research on boas. I had the exact one I was going to get all picked out and my parents said no because they thought it was going to be an impulse buy that I would regret in a few weeks... I don't think they realize how long...
  7. Charlotte


    Well, I don't want to jinx anything... but... if everything works out with the Parental Units... I am bringing home THIS fellow: http://www.boaconstrictor.com/product/32CAtpositive11bcm If not him exactly, something very similar. Cross your fingers for me! I need it :laugh:
  8. Charlotte

    Snakey Nicknames

    I'm sure we all have nicknames for at least one of our snakes! I call Loki "Derpy" or variations of the word "Derp". I probably call him that more than I call him Loki.. :laugh:
  9. Charlotte

    Seeking Boas

    I am looking for boas. Looking for smaller subspecies - specifically Hogg Island. :) Also open to a Dumeril's although those have been a bit harder to find in my experience. Looking for hatchlings or yearlings that would be OK in a tub. And obviously I'm not expecting this, but if you're...
  10. Charlotte

    Plastic Tubs and Heat Mats

    Setup in question is a small (for a hatchling) plastic tub and a small heat mat. Setup is for a boa, so temp will be around 83. I am planning to use the rubber 'feet' and have the mat just resting on the ground and not adhered to the tub. Will have a thermostat regulating the temp. Just...
  11. Charlotte

    Just Wanted To Say...

    Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for being here on this forum. I've met so many wonderful people and you all are probably the sole reason Loki is still in the other room. :laugh: Not to mention all the good-luck PMs, forum posts and visitor posts when I was going through the roller...
  12. Charlotte

    Dwarf Boas

    Unfortunately, it looks like I just don't have the room for the Dumeril's boa that I so desperately want :( My available tank space is only about 3 1/2 feet and I'm not going to shove a 6 foot snake into that. Soo.. I am starting to look into dwarf boas. I'm reading that they range from about...
  13. Charlotte

    :S Bad snake owner...?

    I brought Loki to school yesterday for an English project and someone told me I was a bad herp owner because I've never taken him to the vet in the 7 months I've owned him. The only reason I've never done it is because he's just never needed to... he's never regurged, never had a bad shed...
  14. Charlotte


    As I am slowly starting to seriously look into getting a boa, I am starting to consider a rack system. I know that Loki would prefer the smaller, more hidden enclosure as well. But because I'm a 14 year old kid on a budget, is there any rack system (only needs to hold 3-4 snakes) that won't...
  15. Charlotte

    You know you spend too much time on cs.com when..

    So today, one of the breeding stables I follow on FB posted foal pictures. Mostly chestnut foals, but one gorgeous black one. I immediately thought "Wow, what a nice anery among so many motleys!" :toiletgra
  16. Charlotte

    Weird tunneling behavior?

    Today I changed Loki's aspen and gave him clean water, and when I put him back in, he was acting really weirdly. He was slithering along the edge of his viv and turned sideways kind of, like he was going to go belly up, and then he would burrow into the aspen and come up. When he got to the...
  17. Charlotte

    Loki's Official Thread!

    OK, as to not have 54=-65-0405=545043990 Loki threads, I just decided to make one. :laugh: Lots of pictures a'coming. From his ad: Day after he arrived (about to shed): After he shed: Just chilling. I ADORE this picture! ♥ More to follow...
  18. Charlotte


    OK, so I would LOVE to add a boa to my "collection". :laugh: But I really don't know anything about them. I'm obviously not going to go out and buy one tomorrow, but what can you guys tell me about their feeding requirements/care requirements/good places to buy one, etc?
  19. Charlotte

    New Feeding Schedule

    OK, so I had Loki on large hoppers/small adults once a week, per the Munson plan. He was not getting a bulge from them, and digested them easily in one/two days. Recently I upgraded him to "jumbo mice"... I was planning to put him on rat pups, but EBV was out of f/t, so I went with jumbo...
  20. Charlotte

    Loki Possible RI Concern

    Today, when I got Loki out, he hissed at me a little. Pretty normal, I shrugged it off. When I put him in his feeding container (not to feed, to change his bedding), he started making sounds with his breaths. Some were pretty loud, some not so loud. I'm really freaked out that he has a RI and I...