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  1. Jessica613


    The store I got Tidus from replaced him. This lil guy is Odin he's a lil bigger and ate today within minutes of me setting out his pinkie, although the lump didnt seem big so I think I may need to upgrade mouse size. I got UTH but it recommended to stick it to the side, I did this but want to...
  2. Jessica613

    Tidus died! :'(

    I found my baby corn snake dead this morning. :( I was worried that he wouldn't eat but I only had him for two weeks and it doesn't sound like this would be the reason. I am so sad and don't understand what happened. This makes me nervous abt getting another one. Does this happen often? I bought...
  3. Jessica613


    How can I tell if my snake is male or female?
  4. Jessica613


    Loving my new baby! Can't wait til he gets bigger!
  5. Jessica613

    Inactive baby corn

    I don't know much about snakes, Ive been doing a lot of research and reading threads here, trying different things but I have some concerns. I bought a baby corn snake about a week ago. I was told corn snakes are very active but mine doesn't do anything all day. I've never seen him go in his...
  6. Jessica613

    New Corn Snake Owner

    Hi! I'm Jessica and this is my first time owning a snake. Just bought a baby corn snake and thought it would be a great idea to be on here as I need all the help I can get! His name is Tidus, he's great, although I couldn't get him to eat the first time I tried but found lots of helpful...