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  1. Bonkers_Scar2011

    Need help with planning my trip ;)

    Hello guys ;)) I know this has nothing to do with snakes but I need your help!! I am planning a trip to Toronto and New York in September and am still trying to find good hotels ;) Would also be grateful for tips on what we HAVE to see in both cities... Cant wait for your replies. Thank...
  2. Bonkers_Scar2011

    Just pure madness!!

    I could NOT believe my eyes when I saw this on a website! This guy has been keeping his python with a BABY corn snake!!
  3. Bonkers_Scar2011

    Facing a ...

    ... very difficult decision :( I am sooo gutted but I am gonna have to give my scale babies up because I am moving from Jersey to Austria next week on Wednesday. Never thought I'd get so attached but they truly are my babies :( Sorry just had to rant....
  4. Bonkers_Scar2011

    Bonkers Progression Thread

    I have posted some of those pics before but I just wanted to start my very own progression thread for my little scalebaby :)
  5. Bonkers_Scar2011

    This is Madam Walkabouts

    This is her with a Fuzzie she didnt take. She is in tank with heat, hide and bedding. Had a bath this morning as well. She has no muscles whatsoever, had to hold her head while in the water, she would of drowned other wise. The warm water woke her up a bit tho, coz right now she is one feisty...
  6. Bonkers_Scar2011

    Lost snake turned up!

    I need your help please: My exboyfriend lost his creamsicle 6 months ago, and its just turned up in my kitchen! It looks super skinny and filthy, but is very feisty and strikes at everything. What do I do next? Ive given it a small bowl of water. Going to move it into a small tank for now...
  7. Bonkers_Scar2011

    Bonkers gone missing ... in chair leg!!!

    Peeps I have a major problem! My corn snake has just had a bath, leaped out and crawled into an old chair leg, its only open on one side and I CAN NOT get him out :/ Here's a pic, What would you do to get him out. I am worried he will get stuck in there, and i cant take this thing apart!!
  8. Bonkers_Scar2011

    Not shedding enough?

    My normal corn snake only shed twice in the last 5 months? My other one who is exactly the same age has had a lot more sheds. Any idea whats going on? They both get fed the same time and size meal every time.
  9. Bonkers_Scar2011

    possible hets

    hey have two siblings from an amel x normal breeding. My babies are amel and normal but there were also Anery, Ghosts and Snows in the Clutch. So what possible hets have my babies got?
  10. Bonkers_Scar2011

    And again... RUB dilemma

    Its me again, sorry guys, more questions to RUB's :) Thought I'd post on here coz not many ppl in the UK and Europe use RUB's or tubs to house their pets in ... I bought 2 24.5 liter RUB's the other day and they're right in front of me now. Looking at them I'm a bit worried they're not high...
  11. Bonkers_Scar2011

    24.5 l rub's

    Hey guys! I need a little advice please. I have two corns who currently share a tank (they are both roughly 7 months old) but I want to separate them soon. Do you think a 24.5 liter RUB is big enough for a corn this age? Also how long can I keep them in there for before I have to move them up...
  12. Bonkers_Scar2011

    My two lovely babies

    Bonkers - Amel Aug 2011 and Scar - Normal Aug 2011 What do you guys think???
  13. Bonkers_Scar2011

    Help ID please

    Sorry I know nothing about morphs lol Also what do you think about his size? He hatched August 2011.