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Search results for query: *

  1. Lacie_Michele

    Digestion. Females vs Males?

    Does anyone know if the sex has anything to do with how long it take the snakes to digest? We fed our adult male and female last saturday, they had one adult mice each. Our male snake pooped a few days ago, but the female still hasnt and its been almost a week. We also have two baby snakes that...
  2. Lacie_Michele

    Weird behavior... (I think)

    So, I have four cornsnakes, two adults and two babies. I just got them, all from the same persone a couple of weeks ago. When the previous owner brought them to us, the two adult snakes weres super jumpy. They said the snakes were jumpy bc of the ride over. (was about an hour) but they're still...
  3. Lacie_Michele

    New owner questions.

    I'm new to the snake world, I was just curious what everyone opinion on how long i should wait to handle my corn snakes after feeding them. I have two adults that eat one adult mouse each and two babies that eat one pinki each. Thanks!
  4. Lacie_Michele

    Wanting to bread my corn snakes, but not sure if it's the right time?

    I just got my corn snakes earlier this week, I'm not going to lie I never thought i'd be a snake person. But now that I have them, I just love them. The people I bought my snakes from said that my male and female are a breading pair. I've been researching them a lot and i'd really love to be...
  5. Lacie_Michele

    New Member! :)

    Hi everyone, I'm new to the site. I have Four beautiful corn snakes. Two young adults, And two babies. The adults I have are a breading pair. And one of my babies is a sunkissed. I'm looking to learn as much as possible about these snakes, and I hope to learn how to bread them too. If you have...