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Search results for query: *

  1. spyderk

    Our rescue of 13 eastern hognose babies

    http://crzysnekldy.weebly.com/blog/the-eastern-hognose-saga-of-2015 I wish I had time to post this here, but I'm at the library so I hope a link will do!
  2. spyderk

    Firefly the Olive Python

    I don't have a lot of time to post since we disconnected our wifi at home (I'm at the library now), but ... I thought I'd post my latest snake. I'm pretty happy about owning him, like my snake collection is finally complete. I know you are all laughing at that, but hey, I feel like it! I love...
  3. spyderk

    The Brothers: Watson and Olaf

    They aren't technically brothers, but they are both boas! Olaf is March 2014 and Watson is April 2014. Olaf is usually 20 grams ahead of Watson in growth. They are getting close to 300 grams now! For those who don't know, Watson is a sunset boa (super hypo hog island) and Olaf is a Kahl...
  4. spyderk

    My blog (with all of my 2015 finds so far)

    I really do want to keep up with individual posts here on cs.com - but I just can't do it all with the resizing of pics, super slow internet, posting here, iHerp, facebook, etc. I decided that my reptile blog will be my Herp Journal, and I will make an effort to keep THAT updated, and just post...
  5. spyderk

    Pics of my 3 BCIs

    The first 2 are of Casey and the last picture is of my two little guys, Olaf and Watson. I realized that I have had Casey for one year (yesterday, March 1st). I am so glad I was able to get her from someone on CL! She's about 4 years old (born spring 2011). Olaf will be 1 year old on March...
  6. spyderk

    Update on me and a few new snakes!

    Hello, forum where it all began! I hadn't been checking in as much toward the end of summer. I found out I was expecting a baby, ended up miscarrying, found out I needed surgery for a very large cyst on my ovary, had the surgery and the cyst was thankfully not cancerous, and by this time it...
  7. spyderk

    Herping in Savannah GA?

    I have a friend who is in Savannah right now, and he asked if I could see about good places for him to herp during the short time he'll be there. PM me if you want to know specifically where he is, if that would help tailor the suggestions. He's from my area, so would like to find some...
  8. spyderk

    Extreme Okeetee outside pictures

    Lucifer celebrated his 2nd birthday a few days ago, with a mouse of course. That was 4 days ago, so today he came out for pictures. Watching him change has been so much fun!
  9. spyderk

    Sunset boa progression (Watson)!

    I picked up an adorable sunset (super hypo Hog Island) boa from Sonja K. Reptiles last week. He has been settling in and just had his first feed here. He's currently nameless, too. The first two pictures are from his first day here. The second two are Sonja's, one before his first shed and...
  10. spyderk

    Photoshoot with a foxsnake

    Last Friday my son found this little guy under the same plastic sheet that he's been finding hognose and garter snakes. This guy was feisty and bit my 6 year old daughter and made her cry (but she got over it!) and he also bit me whe I moved my hand near the side of him, right between my...
  11. spyderk

    MOM! Another hognose!

    I pretty much know now that when I hear shouting and yelling, one of my children have found a snake or other amazing creature. When we have company and this happens, my guests assume a child has lost a limb or someone has drowned in the pond, but I hurry to put on my shoes as I grab the camera...
  12. spyderk

    Outside time with Monty and Lucifer.

    I don't normally take both corn snakes out for pictures at the same time, and now I know why, because it's hard to get one to cooperate, much less two of them! But I did think these 2 pictures were cute. It was like they were communicating an escape plan! Monty and Lucifer are almost 2 years...
  13. spyderk

    Three "new" species at our new property in one day!

    A few days ago, my son was doing his math with me at the kitchen island. The weather was very nice, and he was just about done with a difficult lesson, and he asked if we could take a break to look for a few snakes. I said sure and we headed out with our mud boots and snake hooks, to a spot...
  14. spyderk

    Misc. pictures of my kids and their finds.

    Nearly every day that it is nice out, my kids are finding all sorts of things at our new property; it's so awesome! They are so captivated by anything, whether it is a common garter or spring peeper, or something more unusual like a crayfish or an eastern hognose. The little hoggies in the...
  15. spyderk

    Just a baby hog!

    We found this little guy yesterday. He put up quite a fight for my brother, and then played dead, but he was fantastic for pictures. I have lost count of all the eastern hognose we have found here, but this guy is probably #14 or so. This is the 3rd tiny baby hognose we have found. They...
  16. spyderk

    Olaf the albino boa

    A few weeks ago I gifted one of my corn snakes to my sister-in-law. She wanted to take a baby hognose (from our woods) home one day when they were visiting, but we talked and she decided on a corn snake. I'd been thinking of rehoming my ghost corn (was my son's but recently moved back to the...
  17. spyderk

    My new property has ...

    ..... !!!!!!! I want to post more, I really do, but I don't have a lot of time at the moment. So for now, take a look at the pictures of the first (of many) Eastern Hognose that we have discovered here. Let's just say it was like Christmas morning here at the new property!
  18. spyderk

    First finds of 2014!

    And to make it even better, we found them on our new property. Earlier today my 8-year-old daughter came flying into the house, telling me they found a garter snake. I flew out after her, camera in hand, but it had disappeared under my son's "careful" watch. She was very disappointed, but I...
  19. spyderk

    Casey the BCI

    Casey didn't have a progression thread, so here it is! I took her outside briefly for the first time today since it was warm enough! Still snow on the ground but we reached lower 70s! She's a sweet girl, and I am really happy I was able to get her! (here is the thread where I talked...
  20. spyderk

    We are sharing the reptile love today!

    I have posted about this before, but I am a homeschooling mom of 4 kids, and having our reptile pets has been so cool for science and learning. Often we have had a family request to come over to see the reptiles; even before we had snakes, we had people coming to see Puff our bearded dragon...