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Search results for query: *

  1. ChannyB

    Atticus, Londyn and Chimera

    I don't think I have shared these guys yet. They are: 1.0 Anery "Atticus" 66% het Amel 50% het Lavender, Caramel, Motley, Bloodred, Hypo 0.1 Normal "Londyn" 66% het Amel, Anery 50% het Lavender, Caramel, Motley, Bloodred, Hypo 0.1 Butter "Chimera" het Motley 66% het Anery 50% het Lavender...
  2. ChannyB

    Can 2 female snakes lock up?

    So I have a question. A friend of mine was told by someone that 2 female snakes can lock up and appear to be breeding like a male.female pair. Is this true? I told him no way but then said well let me ask some people because I am new to all this too lol
  3. ChannyB

    How long after prelay shed??

    This will be my first clutch ever so I am a bit anxious over here! lol My girl just finished her prelay shed this morning, typically how long after prelay shed until they lay eggs? She has gone off her food and has seemed restless for at least the past week. She is in and out of her lay box...
  4. ChannyB

    My Vanishing Pattern Stripes

    These gorgeous girls are from Two Corny People! Of course the Hypo VP Stripe (Desiree) did not feel as though her picture needed to be taken today. Ghost VP Stripe (Destinee) stole all the attention anyway! Vogue vogue vogue vogue... lol
  5. ChannyB

    Koolaid - Fresh Shed

    New pics of my Normal girl Koolaid. She may be just a normal but I think she is just gorgeous :D
  6. ChannyB

    Gravid or just fat???

    I got this girl locally from people who said they just couldn't keep her anymore. I was told they had her probed at a reptile show and is a girl. Now my question is do you think she is just fat or could be gravid? I tried calling the people I got her from back and was told they had no clue...
  7. ChannyB

    Who here has facebook?

    I was just wondering who has facebook as I am adding a lot of snake/reptile people on there. If anyone wants to add me my facebook is http://www.facebook.com/channywheat2013
  8. ChannyB

    Coral Ghosts, Coral Snows, or Salmon Snows

    I am looking for any or all of these morphs. If you have any PLEASE let me know :D
  9. ChannyB

    Teke Teke (picture happy) Ghost, high pink

    I think we have decided Teke Teke is a Ghost with high pink background! Whatever she is I think she is gorgeous. Her personality is amazing too. I found this girl at a local pet store being sold for the same price as the normals they had there!! I had to have her when I saw her.
  10. ChannyB

    Akasha's progression thread

    Starting a progression thread for my new little girl from Catherine.
  11. ChannyB

    Lestat's progression thread

    I wanted to start a progression thread for my new babies from Catherine :) This lil guy is just beyond gorgeous, his colors are amazingly rich!
  12. ChannyB

    My new babies from Catherine!! Lestat and Akasha

    I got 4 babies from Catherine they arrived this morning. They are even more beautiful than I imagined. They are creamsicles het Bloodred 50% het Caramel. I am in love! The 2 that aren't named yet are going to my good friend.... Akasha and Lestat are mine :D Lestat climbed right out of his deli...
  13. ChannyB

    Local pet store pickup

    So I stopped in at the local pet store today as I do often, and I saw this little beauty..... in with 2 normals.....priced the same. The pics don't show how PINK the lighter color is on her especially up towards her head......What is she????
  14. ChannyB

    Reverse Okeetee

    Just wanted to show my RO with a fresh shed :) Her name is Marigold.
  15. ChannyB

    Is this just an amel or?

    The pics on my screen anyway are pretty true to color ..... Is he just an Amel or something else?
  16. ChannyB

    Alucio (morph?)

    He was sold to me as a "Flourescent" What is he?
  17. ChannyB

    Cai (Creamsicle) progession thread

    Decided to start a progression thread for my little guy Cai. He just shed today so seems like a good time :) I can't get enough of this boy and his awesome vibrant coloring!
  18. ChannyB

    New girl, KC show today

    Well KC show had a whole maybe 5 corns for sale? I nearly missed this itty bitty baby girl.... But when I saw her something said I had to have her so I brought her home with me!! I sure wish they would have more corn snakes at this show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I went years ago there...
  19. ChannyB

    What do you think she is?

    So I found this girl on craigslist.... They said they had to get rid of her so I picked her up. She was sexed at the local reptile show at one point and found to be female..... Just wondering what morph you all think she is??????????????????? I am not good at identifying yet lol She is...
  20. ChannyB

    Best **INEXPENSIVE** incubator?

    I know which incubator I am going to be getting eventually, but right now can't quite work that into my budget and I need to get one here and ready soon. SO what is the best inexpensive incubator to use??