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  1. E

    feeding! ( im a little worried)

    ok, my cornsnake elowen is 8 months old she is 43 grams and i feed her fluffs and i have seen that there is some people that have a cornsnake 47 grams and give them hoppers i have looked at the munson feeding plan and was going by that but as i have now seen this i have got a little worried im...
  2. E

    what wood please reply:) would be great

    hello everyone i was wondering because im going out tomoz to try and find some new wood for my vivarium for my gorgeous snake and didn't know what wood to use what wood is good and what is poisinus for them thanks ella pearce :D
  3. E

    help for photos

    not ure how to get one on here cornsnakes.com:/ please help as soon as:)
  4. E

    please read

    thanks for everyone that commented on my shedding thread because she has shed today i measured her shed and it was 2 foot 2 inches:) very happy bunny i am:) it was a very good shed and everything cam off:D thanks again from ella
  5. E


    my cornsnake was in the formation of shedding cloudy eyes and dull colour im no worrying as this was about over a week ago is this normal what should i do please help and respond as quikly as possible!
  6. E

    please read i really want to know

    so i have heard that there is a gadget that when you point it at something it will tell you the tempreture of it what it called?????? please get back to me
  7. E

    please read i really want to know

    so i have heaard on a snake channel on youtube that there is a gadjet that you point to an area and you can read of the gadget what the tempreture is does anyone know what it is called
  8. E


    im not sure if you are going to get what i mean but there are like a gadget and you point it onto the bedding of the snake cage and it tells you what the tempreture is do any of you know what it is?
  9. E

    how ofen do snakes shed a year?

    just wondering how often they do shed a year
  10. E


    what is the tempreture for s cornsnake just because my heatmat never feels very warm thanks:)
  11. E

    how many mice

    i feed my corn snake fluffs she is 2 foot and im not sure if that is the correct amount please reply soon as and as many people please thanks so much ella pearce:)
  12. E

    feeding rota?

    hi, i feed my corn snake once a week and feed my corn 1 fluff my snake is now forming the symptoms to shed but i have heard that in the prosess of sheding you can feed them a little extra is this true please reply soon as thanks:)
  13. E


    my corn-snake is about 8 months old and has already shed twice but was unfortunately not there to see it, my snake has now started to form the symptoms of shedding such as the cloudy eyes and the colour of the scales, i am now wondering how long it takes to fully go through the process of...