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Search results for query: *

  1. S

    Eastern Rat Snake guest - pix!

    Well, my wife managed to catch some pictures of our guest Black Rat. She's now out in the wild after delivering ten eggs and having a bite to eat. http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc140/TwoDeeSix/Reptilia/IMG_6961.jpg http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc140/TwoDeeSix/Reptilia/IMG_7052.jpg...
  2. S

    Eastern (Black) rat snake -- suitable pet?

    Yesterday I came across a really nice Eastern Rat Snake, specifically: Pantherophis alleghaniensis. I was recently thinking of looking to add a snake, and look what shows up in my driveway! The snake looks healthy and mild mannered, and with my son, who loves this stuff, we took it in - which...
  3. S

    Better starting small? (viv)

    I'm still getting things ready for my first snake. I do have a lot of reusable gear from years of keeping fish and lizards. I've got a 30 gallon tank cleaned up and ready. I'm working on heat and getting the tank set up. However, I see that most people here start snakes in 10 gallon or...
  4. S

    Greetings From Virginia

    I stumbled onto this forum. Who would think to actually search "cornsnakesdotcom"? Oh well. I'm here and I am glad I found the site. I'm preparing to own my first snake. I imagine I'll find most of my answers by lurking around and searching, but nonetheless, I figured I'd join up and get...