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Search results for query: *

  1. lvchris

    2020 corns

    Hi, I have some corns still available :) Classic het anery 66% palmetto,stripe ph hypo (3 males) $80.00 Honey het amel,motley (3 males) $108.00 Inferno het caramel,motley (5 males) $108.00 Tessera 66% palmetto,amel,hypo (2.3) $125.00-150.00 The Honey's and the Inferno's have some Miami...
  2. lvchris

    2020 hatchlings available

    I have a couple clutches that have shed and ate there first few frozen thawed one day old pinkys available. Palmetto 50%het Anery 3.2 females 425.00 males 400.00 Miami Honeys 100% het amel,motley 3.0 150.00 Miami Infernos 100% het caramel,motley 5.1 males 150.00 female 170.00 Miami Saffron...
  3. lvchris

    Tessera het Palmetto het Amel

    Tessera that is the son of a tessera female I acquired from Mystic Exotics back in 2014 I believe. Hard to tell in photos but snake is very red and his belly has a nice red wash..Sorry for the quick cellphone photo :)
  4. lvchris

    2017 het Palmetto het Amel

    Hi guys, I have three 2017 males available that are normal het palmetto,het amel, and ph anery. All of them are eating great. Asking 600 each shipped but I am always open to offers.
  5. lvchris

    het palmetto het stripe pair

    These guys are doin great and ready to go. Any questions please post here.
  6. lvchris

    2014 male Whiteout /male Fire

    Have a couple males that I held back last year that I decided to part with. First is a whiteout het anery 50% het hypo 140.00 shipped Second is a fire het anery, charcoal 50% het hypo 80.00 shipped if photos are not showing up you can view them HERE thanks for lookin :)
  7. lvchris

    Pewter or Granite?

    This hatchling was from a Avalanche het Charcoal 50% het hypo X Bloodred het amel,anery,66% het charcoal.. The eyes are very dark with that blueish look from the top of the head. In the photo it looks like there is a brownish tint but there really isnt.. Thanks for the ID help :)
  8. lvchris

    Red factor baby

    got this photo yesterday of a normal red factor male produced by Heather (Mystic Exotics) i thought it looked pretty decent figured id share it :)