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Search results for query: *

  1. Der_Doe12


    Kingsley has gotten aggressive. I recently moved. His temps were low the first couple of days so I was like "okay, thats why" raised them up and still the same. Could be that everytime he strikes I jerk my hand back? Should I just let him bite and push through so he knows who's boss? Lol
  2. Der_Doe12

    Kingsley out and about

    I got up and looked in his tank and he was just chillin' on his branch slithering about. Snapped some pictures for you guys!
  3. Der_Doe12

    Need a quick reply.

    What in the actual hell is this on this pinkie? Should I feed it to Kingsley or no?
  4. Der_Doe12

    70% Humidity

    Okay. So... I clean out both cages, soaked all their decor and stuff let it all dry. Or so I thought... apparently some of the wooden things, weren't dry all the way. So it's spiked the humidity up to almost 70% in Kingsley's tank and its staying at about 55% in Xavier's, which is good. Cause he...
  5. Der_Doe12

    Quick question

    Okay. Kingsley is getting up there in the grams. Been reading Munson's. Question is, the "Quantity of feeder 2" is that 2 at a time, or 2 in the same week? Probably a silly question but don't want to try and feed him 2 pinkies at the same time, then come to find out they won't do that in the...
  6. Der_Doe12

    Picture Day!

    Kingsley is about to shed so I couldn't get any of him. But Xavier was out and about so I snagged him for a few shots. Heres the 2 best.
  7. Der_Doe12

    New decor!!

    I got some new decor for Xavier and Kingsley!!
  8. Der_Doe12

    Amel shed question.

    As most will pick up from the title lol. How can you tell when an Amel is in "blue"? I've read it takes an experienced eye to tell when their eyes fog over. Xzavier ate his meal. He hesitated(scared me!) but he just wanted to be left alone. After he ate, he vanished! Lol. Thinking he might be in...
  9. Der_Doe12


    I know most of you say bleach/water or vinegar/water but anyone got a word on this stuff? Zoo Med Wipe Out 1 Disinfectant? Anyone used it and had success/failure with it?
  10. Der_Doe12

    Alice is boy!

    Yup. Alice is a boy, so is Kingsley. So no breeding of those 2. But the girls are devastated haha. So "she" is still a she according to them. Its their snake but I take care of him. Da hell? I don't mind haha. I enjoy the hobby.
  11. Der_Doe12

    Hyper snake...

    Alice is SUPER hyper it seems. More hyper than Kingsley was. You really gotta have a firm grip with her or she'll bolt right out of your hands. So I don't think I'll handle her as much as I did Kingsley for awhile. Is this going to effect how she reacts to me? I would love to handle her but with...
  12. Der_Doe12

    I have an idea, but I meed help.

    Alright. I wanna get this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0040FJ27S/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1382622314&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX110_SY165_QL70 Right. Thats simple as can be. But. I now have 2 snakes. And they're both on this nifty stand I found at goodwill for $10(gotta love them places) so the question is...
  13. Der_Doe12

    Cleaning day.

    Cleaning day is approaching soon in my home. For my snake that is! I was just wanting to get some tips from some experienced people on here. What do you guys do for cleaning day? My original plan was to put Kingsley in the 10gal that Alice now occupys. So that obviously isn't going to work lol...
  14. Der_Doe12

    Very... Disgruntled?

    Alright. I've searched these forums high and low and cannot for the life of me find the answer to this rather silly question but it is bugging me and it got me thinking. So. The Ambient temp for Kingsley's cage is 77° Fahrenheit. I know that not terrible. But its not really recommended either...
  15. Der_Doe12


    I'm still new at this but I'm curious and love to learn and you guys are the best people to ask this. As you all know. I got Kingsley about a month and a half ago. Well we went to the pet store today and instantly fell in LOVE with a "Candy" corn at Pet Supply Plus. We named her Alice. Anyways...
  16. Der_Doe12

    New Corn!

    I got another one already haha! We're assuming its a girl and we named her Alice
  17. Der_Doe12

    Finally a decent picture!

    Finally got a good one of Kingsley last night. Here he be.
  18. Der_Doe12

    Any football fans?

    I noticed a lot of Texan's on this forum. So I must ask. Dallas or Denver today? I personally like the Steelers but they are doing horribly this year. So I'm going Denver on the game tonight. Peyton Manning is on fire this year!
  19. Der_Doe12

    I am excited!

    Kingsley is going to shed for the first time since I've had him!!! I am so excited. This is really the first ultimate test. Have I kept his enclosure well enough for him to shed properly for the first time? I'd like to think I have haha. I guess we'll see in the coming days. His eyes either just...
  20. Der_Doe12

    Need some help.

    I am using a 33' Zilla tropical 25 bulb and I wanted to know if that is going to dry out the air in the viv too much until I can get just a normal light to use to light Kingsley's viv.