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  • Users: bmm
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  1. bmm

    Breeding feeders

    Since a lot of us breed our own mice or thinking about it, I threw together a care sheet on how I breed my mice. This is my method and just one method so research lots! http://8snakes.myftp.org/marisa/mouse.html bmm
  2. bmm

    roomates snow

    I gave this '03 to my roomates. I thought he was the pick of the litter so to speak. Had the pattern I liked the most. Already starting to get some color! Only a few months old but I am happy I get to see him grow up already! Glad we kept him here. :D <img...
  3. bmm

    Darin re:wrinkle

    Hi Darin you mentioned you wanted to know how my hatchling Wrinkle ate. He shed this weekend, and my first attempt last night with an F/T pink...I did stab the pink a few times in the head. He stared at it for an hour and then this morning I woke up to a snake will a full belly! :D bmm
  4. bmm

    Wrinkle hatched !

    My female snow laid a double clutch this year. I missed it and didn't think she had laid. I posted asking if the ONE good egg I found might hatch. It was stuck on cardboard when I found it and very dehydrated. Here is a pic the day I found it (two-three days after being laid) <img...
  5. bmm

    Test area

    Why does the forum have a test area if each message can be previewed before its posted? Sorry, I have been curious about this since day one. :) bmm
  6. bmm

    After first shed, snows.

    Well I am pleased with these guys! All are VERY cute and fiesty and almost all have taken f/t pinks for first meal, with the rest trying tonight. These have just had their first shed and a first meal a couple days ago: <img src="http://members.rogers.com/8snakes/number2.jpg"> <img...
  7. bmm

    Wow lucky me!

    So far I have offered 11 of my hatchling snows thawed pinkies as a first meal. And ALL have taken them! I am suprised! I shouldn't speak too soon as I have another 8 to try tonight but so far I haven't had to do any pinky cutting or anything! Yay! A couple of them need me to wiggle it, but the...
  8. bmm


    Well on Saturday after 87 days they FINALLY started pipping. By now we have 11 out and about, 4 with heads pipping and another 4 eggs that have not pipped although it was five but the fifth pipped an hour or so ago. All are as expected, and cute! <img...
  9. bmm

    Update on my one egg!

    Well the one good egg from my females double clutch (which I didnt find until a day or so after laying!!!!) Was REALLY wrinkled out and all messed up from being in the dry conditions for too long. (she had no nest box) Anyways pics, Shortly after being found (laid) <img...
  10. bmm


    O.k. I have dubbed the ONE good egg my female laid in her 2nd clutch (double clutch) "Wrinkle" if it lives, the snakes name will also be Wrinkle! LOL Here are some comparison photos. I *THINK* it may make it, but I am still not sure. It has filled out a bit. On the day I found it, a day after...
  11. bmm

    Chance of this little one?

    My female finished laying her 2nd clutch yesterday which I didn't notice until today :( All were hard hard yellow eggs but ONE! I think I found "him" way way too late, so do you guys agree its chance are slim to none? I have it in damp vermec. with a damp paper towel on it just in case. <img...
  12. bmm


    my corn laid some slugs a week ago. No biggie. And a few days later nothing more had been laid so we attempted to fed her. She was totally hungry and ate a large mouse. But now today I just checked in there and she has passed another obvious slug when she went to the bathroom. Is everything...
  13. bmm


    Our first snake and our biggest baby! At one point his entire body was wrapped around my two hands which were together, and it was a challange to get my hands apart! LOL anyways a couple pics from today, after a shed. <img src="http://members.rogers.com/xaerion/2loki07-08-03.jpg"> <img...
  14. bmm

    *sigh* day 67

    Well I am still a'waitin. Day 67 for my eggs. All of them still look really good, no bad ones and all have red viens and you can see embryos. But no pipping. I have used the warm shelf method, which of course has its fluctuations so I am not THAT worried about them as I know it takes longer...
  15. bmm

    hatchling heating question

    Since we have no AC and we live on the upper story, my adult corns don't get any heat provided by me during the summer. It hardly ever goes below 75 in the reptile room even at night. Normal temps in there are 80-84 daytime-75-78 at night) Anyways, will this suffice for the hatchlings I am...
  16. bmm

    female snow outside (in shed)

    Well I wanted to get some nice photos of her but she just started going blue. Anyways still o.k. photos but I will be taking more after the shed. (This girl laid 19eggs May1st) She has quite a temper as well. <img src="http://members.rogers.com/xaerion/2femalesnow06-19-03.jpg"> <img...
  17. bmm

    Snow % Amel outside

    I guess we were kinda bored today so we took Jack and Loki outside to play a bit in the garden. They both looked so cute!!!! Anyways sorry dialup users if they take long...... Jack: (He was 52 inches like 6 months ago so he is around there still) <img...
  18. bmm

    Sunglow pics

    Sunglows are amels with little to no white correct? What exactly classifies a sunglow? Can anyone who has one please post pics!!!! bmm
  19. bmm

    Personal fav pics

    Up late and looking through my corn photos...decided to post a few favorites. Sorry dialup users....cable rules....*LOL* Male Snow, Loki...'01 <img src="http://members.rogers.com/mattl/loki04-14-03.jpg"> <img src="http://members.rogers.com/mattl/loki03-07-03.jpg"> Female Snow, '00 <img...
  20. bmm

    rough coats

    Some of my soon to bed whacked feeder mice have rough coats...like illness wise, not actual rough coats....they look almost wet... They are about a week past weaning. All are active, feeding, drinking, moving, no sneezing or wheezing...not lethargic, just the wet looking rough coats. Anyone...