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Search results for query: *

  1. o.So_Blu.o

    I guess I ran before I walked!

    Totally forgot to introduce myself. See first thread I made here - http://www.cornsnakes.com/forums/showthread.php?t=144243 Hi, my name is Samantha! I'm 24 years old. I'm pretty much a stay at home mom ATM with two boys, Solomon who's 3 and Isaac who's a little over a year old. I have two...
  2. o.So_Blu.o

    Yearling Corn Sizes

    Hello. I just have a question. Are my corn snakes big enough for their age? I'm worried that they might become stunted. Everywhere I look, people's corn snakes are bigger than mine at the same age. 100g. 300g. Mine are just around 20-30g. Wondering if I'm doing something wrong here. To start...