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Search results for query: *

  1. johnbort2

    '08 Okeetee Pics

    I thought I would post some pics of some hatchlings. I thought they turned out pretty well for a point and shoot camera. Their dad is the one in my avatar. I probably should have put down new napkins first! :(
  2. johnbort2

    1st BP's pipping this season

    Hello all. Been a while since I have posted, been real busy. Okeetee's hatched last week and these are pipping now. One on left is cinny Middle is Ruppel Pastel and last one is a good ole normal :) Have about 14 more eggs that will hatch. I run my co-doms through my females, so most...
  3. johnbort2

    Good and Bad of breeding these rats

    First off, I was able to get a pregnant female(kid at pet store didn't care), so 3 days after purchasing her for $3, I now have 12 pinkies! If I bought these at the pet store at $1.50 each, I would have spent a lot. I have learned a lot about rats in the process, as I love to do research. I...
  4. johnbort2

    Balls..black ball

    The 2 new lil ones...one was sold as a "black ball" which I will try to prove genetically. The other pics are of my "big momma".(1300g)
  5. johnbort2

    Suboc birth defect..need advice please

    Another baby came out today. At first I was overjoyed at she appears silver..didn't know they were het for anything. After a closer look my heart sank..just past the vent, there is a gnarly curling kink in the tail. It is past the vent, so I dont think it would hinder defacation, but I don't...
  6. johnbort2

    1st suboc hatched!

    Took almost 80 days, but the first Trans Pecos Ratsnake came out to say hello. Sweetest little thing..never rattled or struck. Acted like he/she had been held before..lol. Here it is: One of my kings that hatched a week and a half ago, I love king hatchlings, they have eaten f/t twice...
  7. johnbort2

    Brooksi bday :)

    2 from a double clutch hatched today. 4 others were slugs. I took this video and thought it was cute he/she decided she didn't like the outside world and retreated back into the egg. http://www.heidibortelphoto.com/pics/DSCN1230.MOV 16mb..might take a minute to load. Enjoy. John :grin01:
  8. johnbort2

    Re-Doing Snake Room again and again and again

    I am redoing snake room for a 3rd time in a year. Anyone else have this going on..heh? I keep building cages, adding vivs...moving..rearranging. Now I'm building shelves to hold vision cages(large ones) aquariums, etc. I need to get this place the way I want it. I think I need help..lol...
  9. johnbort2

    Wolmanized(treated) lumber

    I know that treated lumber can't be used to make a cage, but would it be a problem to use it as shelving for the cages? I have some 4' vision cages, as well as some aquariums I would like to used for display. I was initially going to go with the metal utility type shelves they sell at lowes...
  10. johnbort2

    Some better pics of my Indigo

    When I first got them, I used my wife's camera and couldn't focus properly. These were taken with my coolpix nikon. These are Texas Indigo's. This should be it for a while...just excited about my new babies. The male
  11. johnbort2

    For the Indigo Lovers

    My new babies.....Drymarchon corais erebennus These little ones are only 2 weeks old, but are 65g! Sorry some are blurry, I used my wife's camera and am not very good with it.
  12. johnbort2

    Diesel's Birthday Pics

    These are some pics of my male okeetee, "Diesel". He turned 1 year old a week ago! He is one of my favorite snakes. Great personality and growing like a weed. :)
  13. johnbort2

    My new addiction part 2 - Boas

    I posted about cutting down my collection. I am planning on only keeping corns, boas and Indigos.(and my wife's Ball pythons and my pet GBK) I did a trade 13 colubrids for 4. Here are a couple of the newest 4. This makes 3 pairs of boas. They are Hypo Triple het, 4 double het for snow and a...
  14. johnbort2

    Random Thought-What is your snake limit?

    I am up to 30 animals and am starting to feel a little overwhelmed(I know a lot of you have much more than this). I love them all, but think I am going to trim down the collection. Between work, family, etc. I don't feel I have enough time to spend with them all. They all get cared for well...
  15. johnbort2

    Ok, I couldn't help myself..new boas(lotsa pics)

    After seeing all these boas, I had to get a couple. I haven't had a BCI since I was a kid. Here are the new babies. Male Hypo Triple Het Female DH Snow
  16. johnbort2

    First Clutch, pics, questions

    Got 7 eggs from my suboc female. When I pulled the female out, she was a little wraped around the eggs and the whole stack turned upside down.(all stuck together) I know they shouldn't be turned, but immediately put them back to the side they were at and laid them in the medium. There are some...
  17. johnbort2

    How do I know she is done laying?

    Woke up this morning and found my female suboc had laid. I see 6 good eggs so far. She is still wrapped around them. At what point should I remove the eggs? She laid in damp sphagnum moss in the lay box, so they should be moist. This is my first egg layer. I have bred boas previously and...
  18. johnbort2

    King Time cont'd.

    Took some better shots of my Outer Banks Kings. Female Male
  19. johnbort2

    Caught snake in action shedding

    First time I have got to watch a snake shed from start to finish. Very cool. Didn't realize they actually kind of crawl out of it..thought they had to rub a lot more than he did.
  20. johnbort2

    Woma's anyone?

    Just put this pair together. Got the female from Bob Clark and the male from Exotic Pets in LV. They both ate F/T the day I got em and both are real well mannered . I can't wait till they are big! Female Male(not nearly as professional..taken by me :shrugs: )