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Search results for query: *

  1. C


    Test test test test test test pictured is an amber stripe
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    counting to 10

    I guess it is not permitted to wear a red hat in a room full of yellow hats.... I am not afraid of conflicting opinions, just there is an appropriate way to present them. Not via controversy/slander!! ( the wonders of private messaging!!!) Sorry if anyone thinks I'm being obnoxious with my...
  3. C

    2 HEADED SNAKE!!! PIC'S!!!

    Hi everybody, I had to post this one...before the inevitable.... In deed a surprise!!! I wonder what the odds of this happening are!?!? This snake's mama has produced a pair of twins in the past but they were 2 separate perfectly formed Siamese twins. So, is this genetic....perhaps like it is...
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    Snake Road Spring 2006

    On May 1 2006 I packed up my camping gear and headed for Wolf Lake, Illinois. I was on my way to "snake road". Actually the road is named LaRue Rd. Snake Road is in the Shawnee National Forest. LaRue / Pine Hills Ecological area is a truly unique place. . The snake road area is a haven for...
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    Gold Dust Motley

    Like a proud papa...I have to show off one of my new additions. A frickin' awesome gold dust motley. The best motley pattern I have seen! Picked him up at the Daytona show. Just a quick pic taken while cleaning. ~COMING SOON~ WWW.COMPOSITECORNS.COM
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    Carmel Ghost Stripe???

    OK, anerythristic A is thought to be dominant over carmel, right? Well, I've hatched out some "different" looking ghost stripes and regular ghost out of my striped amber line. Here are pictures of what COULD be carmel, anery A, hypo(, stripe). Posting here for ideas. I know I'll have to PROVE...
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    Striped Opal '03

    I was breeding triple hets and beats the odds to produce this guy. 1:64, I thought I'd be trying forever! Anyway, this is the first I have produced and have only produced one since. I have lots of possible hets for next year though! I would be interested in finding out what these snakes (opal...
  8. C

    Hypo Stripe Lavender '04

    Here are a few pictures of one of my male hypo stripe lavenders. The pic is pretty close...pink background and grayish pink stripes. I'm surprised I don't stress him by pulling out the cage to look at him too often! Anyway, I'll post some more pics of some other animals. I have a bunch of...