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Search results for query: *

  • Users: Kuzco
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  1. Kuzco

    Colorado snakes needed for special Colorado farms

    So I own a security company that is often hired by cannabis grow farms to supply them with the required cameras and security. The most common unfulfilled need I hear of is the need for snakes to keep rodents off their very expensive fields. I've gone out for 2 days looking for any snakes and...
  2. Kuzco

    Cage sizes

    It's been some time since I've been back on here. Question for the pros. What size vivs do you use for your adults? I've been keeping my '11 in the large plastic shoe boxes that i've seen a lot of breeders use and they just dont seem to be growing at the rate I would expect. I'll post picture...
  3. Kuzco

    Local Pet store mystery

    Can anyone give me some idea on what the neon pink one of these pairs is? My guess is coral, but ive never seen one and she is so NEON PINK! I told the damn guy yesterday that I'd come by today and buy her and when I came back today he said he had already sold her.:uzi: AND CHECK OUT HER...
  4. Kuzco


    Last sunday one of my snakes got out because I didn't close the lid well enough, but no harm, found him in under an hour. A few days later the same snake got out again, was magic that got him out this time. Anyways its been several days and I've laid tape traps, put food and water and hides out...
  5. Kuzco

    '10 Quad hets and more

    I have some great het's going out this year. First is a Butter X Ghost They already have great contrast and are a joy to handle, perfect temperament for my taste; not too calm, not too hyper. Perfect breeding project with 16!!! different possible morphs! 4.5 Normal Het; Caramel, Amel, Anery...
  6. Kuzco

    Photo shoot

    Started my photo shoot today. Not enough good sunlight time though, I'm going to have to finish tomorrow.
  7. Kuzco

    Handling Pet Rattler

    Pictures I found on the interweb... /discuss
  8. Kuzco

    Genetically predisposed aggression (AKA is aggression hereditary?)

    Placed before you is the discussion on whether you think aggression is hereditary? I'll start off with with my view that it IS. I have a female Okeetee that as an adolescent was a HUGE biter, her biting was in fact why she was given to me. As she grew into adulthood however she hardly ever...
  9. Kuzco

    8 ft rattle snake

    I found this picture on the world wide web, thought some people would enjoy *such a shame he killed it.* On a side thought I'm considering raising snakes that would kill rattlers and that survive in the hot dessert. Bet I could sell entire clutches at a time to farmers and ranchers.
  10. Kuzco

    How NOT to house your snake

    Found this on Craigslist guy trying to sell his whole set up. And yes, he does keep his corn and BP together... PS. Don't house your snakes together.
  11. Kuzco

    UNBAN Wade (the petition for laughter)

    If you dont know who Wade is, go here and read some of his post. http://www.cornsnakes.com/forums/search.php?searchid=1899701 How can do NOT have him back?
  12. Kuzco

    hypers and ultra sunkissed hypo

    well the title pretty much explains it... My question is why are there not hyper-melanistic snakes and why can i find nothing on ultra sunkissed hypo's? My understanding is that the 3 hypo's are genetically independent so you should be able to breed one of these with some luck and the right...
  13. Kuzco

    safe to breed?

    I recently decided (with help from Wade of Wade's Weptiles) that my VERY short corn snake who I thought was a striped hypo is actually a striped diffused and that she is so short because she may have what is referred to as "short tail" or spinal kinking. I did read that in breeding trials that...
  14. Kuzco

    quad hets

    I have some f1's that are all het for amel, anery, hypo and caramel. I'm not the master of morps but other than amel, anery, hypo and caramel, what other morphs could I get for an f2 of these guys?
  15. Kuzco

    Old Member returning

    I joined this site quite some time ago, long enough ago that I'd like to change my username but not long enough ago that my e-mail has changed. Started off like most the people joining here. 1 snake, than 2, than 4, than 8 haha. Just had my first big (for me) hatching season, 43 babies. So I'm...
  16. Kuzco


    My little 05 amel got out about a week ago and I havnt been able to find him anywhere. I tried the tabe traps but he's still a no show. His cage was ontop of the bathroom sink so I'm wondering if he might of gone down the drain. Any hints on how to lure him out and catch him if he's still...