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Search results for query: *

  1. bobknaptor

    How long do you leave the mouse?

    So, I'm not panicking yet at all.... it's only the first time I've tried to feed my new little man. I put the tiniest pinkie I could find in with him about 5 hours ago. He's moved it.... but he hasn't eaten it. How long should I leave it before I take it out and throw it away? Also, I...
  2. bobknaptor

    My new hypo blood red

    I woke up this morning to the UPS man delivering a package from Rich Z! I am the proud mommy of a new little hypo bloodred. Pictures are lousy, sorry, he's squirmy! I'll try for a better one tomorrow. I didn't want to handle him much today... I just snapped a couple quick ones while moving...
  3. bobknaptor


    #1 #2
  4. bobknaptor

    Spring Breeding, Summer babies...

    From what I've read on this forum, it seems like pretty much everybody here keeps with the normal pattern of brumate in winter, breed in spring, babies arrive in summer. I'm wondering, since our snakes our "indoor" pets, and we control their environments completely if anyone tries a different...
  5. bobknaptor

    Travel Concerns...

    OK, last question for this morning, I promise! I am moving to Phoenix in 2 months, and planning to drive down. I am planning to keep my pets in the car with me (kitties in their travel boxes, of course). Would you say it is a better idea to put my snakes in the small plastic shoe-boxes for...
  6. bobknaptor

    Lighting Question...

    Oy! you guys are probably sick of my many many many questions... Sorry to be annoying. Just trying to learn all I can.. OK... lighting... has anyone found any benefits or drawbacks to using incandescent bulbs as opposed to florescents? Also, I've had a hard time getting the heat to change...
  7. bobknaptor

    A Ridiculously stupid question....

    Ok, so this is probably a ridiculous question. But I got my first corn last year (a lovely amel named Mayor Wilkins), I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of my second (a hypo blood red from Rich Z)... In the year that I have had the Mayor, he's never snapped at me, or anyone. and I've never...
  8. bobknaptor

    New Babies, Type?

    I just got 2 new baby corns, but I got them from a pet store. The guy who actually sold them to me was afraid to touch them! (snake fear... good job for him to have!) :rolleyes: Anyway, needless to say, he wasn't sure about their backgrounds. You guys all seem to be pretty knowledgable...