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  1. MichellesCreatures

    They get better every year

    Pied Bloodred :)
  2. MichellesCreatures

    Some Motleys :)

    Just thought I'd post some pics of my favorites .....they were lookin purty :) Hypo Motley het charcoal (from Jeff) An amel mot I rescued from my clinic.....some lady found him attached to a sticky rat trap.... My personal fav, Charcoal motley....my own line Not showing the trait, but...
  3. MichellesCreatures

    Nice well started Bloods FS

    Hi everyone! I had a couple of very nice bloodred clutches this year. I've been hanging onto them so they could get some meals under their belt (10+) If you'd like to see more examples of them please go to my website http://www.michellescreatures.com They are priced at $120 a pair, which is only...
  4. MichellesCreatures

    Okeetee & Reverse

    Hi guys! Long time no post! Looks like retiring didnt sit well with me. I took some pics of some kids I thought were looking rather pretty. Hope you will enjoy!
  5. MichellesCreatures

    Two Reptile Basics Hatchling Racks FS

    Hi all, Well Im finally getting around to selling my racks. These are the first two up for sale at this time. More will follow. These are Reptile Basics hatchling racks, using the Iris shoebox tubs. The racks are barely 2 years old. They come WITH heat, with all 24 tubs and have reflectix...
  6. MichellesCreatures

    Cornsnakes for sale!

    Hi there! I have a few more things to sell. I am retiring from breeding and am selling all of my stock. Most of it has already found great homes! Thanks to all of you! These prices do not include shipping. Shipping is between $49 and $69 depending on your location. Subadults/Juvies (all feeding...
  7. MichellesCreatures

    Banded Miami ?

    LOL I dont know what to call this girl. She was suppose to be sold, but I cant bring myself to do it. Not to mention I dont even know what to classify her as....I bought her as an Okeetee (which I knew she wasnt) but I thought she was so interesting.
  8. MichellesCreatures

    Fire - Amel Blood

    For KJ :) I got this girl from KJ not so long ago and it seems like since I've had her shes gone from pinkish red to full blown deep red....I made no alterations to this photo....simply cropped....needless to say THANK YOU KJ!
  9. MichellesCreatures

    Goldust & UltraAnery

    This lovely Goldust male is het motley (he is out my crazy striped motley Butter female, who is amazingly bright!) The Ultra Anery was bred by Tom Thompson....
  10. MichellesCreatures

    Ghost Bloodred

    I was lucky enough to be able to trade my way to get this boy....hes a lovely example of a ghostblood and was bred by Pyxis Reptiles...:)
  11. MichellesCreatures

    Charcoal Aztec

    For Christina :) Heres your charcoal girls' sister.....the charcoal mot was of course in shed... This little gal is het amel, anery and poss het motley...
  12. MichellesCreatures

    Boa Eye Candy

    Just a couple pics of some of my hypo boas....enjoy! One of my males, hes more pink than orange...but my camera says otherwise One of my lovely ladies from Steven Another lovely lady from Steven
  13. MichellesCreatures

    How about some Lava

    As much as I have sold this past year...certain morphs remain....love my Lavas....should be making more this year again as well.
  14. MichellesCreatures

    Pied Granite

    For those who always ask me....does the white stay white as they age? Yes, yes it does :)
  15. MichellesCreatures

    Extreme closeup- Ghostblood

    I always wanted a macro lens....but with this "kit lens", I got in pretty tight...I don't think I'll be needing one. These pics are from my Oly E-410, my wedding present from my hubby earlier this year.... Ghostblood produced by Mary ....I traded to get this guy and I am in love!
  16. MichellesCreatures

    Charcoal Motley

    One is a very good feeder, the other not so much....Im just happy I got two to begin with! and 1.1 to boot.. This is the female...
  17. MichellesCreatures


    While I was taking pics of the babies for sale, I snapped a few that are staying here (for the time being) I know this pic is kinda dark, but I love how he posed for the camera (one of the brothers to my pied)
  18. MichellesCreatures

    Hatchling Bloods

    These are from the clutch that contained the pied bloodred baby. They are all turning out super nice!!
  19. MichellesCreatures

    '07 Reverse Okeetee Keepers

    While I was busy uploading 80 or so baby pics for my available now section on my website, I thought I would share some of my favorites here with you guys! These three are my definite keepers from this clutch.... And whats this....one lil baby snow that came from this clutch....that was a...
  20. MichellesCreatures

    '07 Bloodred Baby with a twist

    Alright last year alot of you know I hatched out the "pied" Granites. Now this year....I hatched out a couple of these from Bayou stock (Lore's new pair) Some of the clutchmates will be for sale shortly... Needless to say this is a keeper folks...