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Search results for query: *

  1. danigurrl

    Belly Head Source in a Wooden Enclosure

    I'm a Veterinary Technician specializing in exotic medicine and care. I'm currently volunteering at a wildlife rescue facility. They have an adult male ball python (I know, not a cornsnake, sorry! But I have two corns at home if that makes up for it) who is in a very nice wooden enclosure...
  2. danigurrl


    I was just looking for the site where it shows you how to make your own rheostat. I did a search and I can't seem to find it right now. Thanks!
  3. danigurrl

    New additions to the family...

    My boyfriend and I have quite the large family now. The newest editions are 4 leopard geckos and their new 40g breeder condo. The set-up: The kids: My boyfriend's midnight morph: My normal: My albino: And my boyfriend's albino carrot tail:
  4. danigurrl

    new baby

    This is the new little guy I brought home today.
  5. danigurrl

    Meet Artimus Gordon!

    This is my new dorm-buddy. I'm not allowed to have any pets at my school....not even a betta fish in a bowl. Guess who breaks that rules?! ME! I have 2.1 bettas and this guy, named Artimus Gordon. People have cats, guinea pigs, hamsters, and other animals hidden in their rooms, so I'm not...
  6. danigurrl

    NY reptile show?

    Does anyone know where and when the up-coming reptile show is in NY? And does anyone know of any other reptile shows in the New England area? Thanks! :)
  7. danigurrl

    Anery Type B and Amel (56K, no way!)

    Some crumby amateur pictures of my Anery B corn, Scottie, and my largest corn, Goliath the Amel. Ignore the horrible rug in the background, hahaha. Goliath coming in the next post...
  8. danigurrl

    Some New England Foliage Pics (no dial-up)

    I went for a drive today through one of our state parks. It was primarily to take pictures of my car, because I love my car. :o lol. However, I did get some beautiful scenery-only pictures that I thought I'd share. And one with my baby:
  9. danigurrl

    Escaped! Mood change??

    My little Scottie escaped last night. I wasn't home last night and just got home about a half hour ago (ahh...I love being a college student....) Luckily I found him under my bed under some flat storage units within 20 minutes. He hissed and lounged at me when I went to pick him up! I...
  10. danigurrl

    mite question...I already used "search"

    My friend's snake has mites, and she doesn't have the internet so I offered to do the research for her for treatments. We ordered "Prevent-a-Mite", but we were looking for other options. The mites aren't too bad, I only saw a couple on the snake. We cleaned out the viv, sprayed it all down...
  11. danigurrl

    question about feeding containers

    Can I use the same feeding container for more than one snake (not at the same time obviously.) Right now all my snakes have their own container marked in sharpie. I just got a new guy thought and right now he doesn't have his own container. Can I use one of the other snake's containers? Or...
  12. danigurrl

    Do you like my new hair style?

    I just got this new hair decoration and I had to share it with you all!
  13. danigurrl

    Another addition to the family...

    This is Trigger! He's a ball python. Sorry, he's about to shed, but I still think he is beautiful!
  14. danigurrl

    Baby Corn hasn't Eatten in almost 3 months...

    I'm sure some of you remember my thread about my friend's corn snakes (http://www.cornsnakes.com/forums/showthread.php?p=264353#post264353). To sum it up, she bought 2 corns at the same time and she's housing them together. One eats two pinkies every 3 days (too much in my opinion...) and the...
  15. danigurrl

    The newest addition!

    This is Glykon. He's (she?) is a Ribbon snake! I couldn't help it, I fell in love. I picked up a few differnt ribbons at the store and I got splooged on (musk?) but Glykon was completely chill! Well....he was jumpy and darting around because thats just what ribbons and garters do...but he...
  16. danigurrl

    135 degrees??????

    I just finally got some probe thermometers for Kahn and Scottie's tank. I have 4 single probe thermometers, 2 each side of the tank (don't worry, theres a divider for the tank...the snakes aren't together.) Well Kahn's warm side says 135 degrees! And Scottie's says 127 degrees. Could the...
  17. danigurrl

    Random thought/question

    I tried the search option already and I didn't find anything... I was just wondering....Can snakes hear? I talk to my snakes all the time to let them know I'm in their viv so I don't startle them (stupid, I know, haha, its habit.) Plus Scottie got his name from the "Scottie Doesn't Know" song...
  18. danigurrl

    Keeping a Journal? Probe thermometer?

    I've read a few posts about people who keep journals, or logs, on their snakes. Should I do this for my boys? Or is it mostly just for people who breed? Would it be beneficial? What info would I keep? And how would I arrange it? Any examples? I know I ask a bunch of questions, haha...
  19. danigurrl

    a different forum....I got in trouble??? for my snake?

    I haven't been faithful to the Reptile Room forum (I don't know if I'm even allowed to post their name on here? So if now, just edit this message) I just visit there maybe once a month. Anyway....I got warned, or suspended, or something, because I posted these same picutres...
  20. danigurrl

    Projekt Duplex

    Alright, well I finally told my ma about my 2 snakes (actually...she doesn't know they are already in the house...she knows they are 'coming' though.) So part of the deal with me being able to keep my snake at her house (even when I'm away at school (!!!!yay!!!!) is that I have to get rid of my...