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Search results for query: *

  1. S

    bulge isnt going

    hey everyone I got this snake a while ago and he was fed pinkies ever since he was born and hes about 1 year old 50 cm anyways i thought I wold give him a fuzzy and see and he ate it after 30 mins of swallowing I thought it was long but didnt want to interupt him because thats not good for...
  2. S

    How much food

    I got my corn the other week from a guy who has fed it pinkies since it was little but I estimate my corn, his about a year old, and chows down 3 pinkies a week and theres no bump or anything hes is +-50cm long 1.6 feet or 19.5 inches what do u suggest i feed him (hopper fuzzies) Im still...
  3. S

    My common cornsnake

    IS he a COMMON CORN ??? i bougt him off a guy a week ago
  4. S

    How can I be sure my corn is male female

    hey does anyone know any wacked ways to check if corns are male or female, if their are any signs or marks u know ' :confused: