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Search results for query: *

  • Users: nicky
  • Order by date
  1. N

    Well not necessarily new.. but have been gone for sometime

    Hey guys, well I'm not nessicarly new to these boards but I have been gone for 4 years so you know guess I should re introduce myself at this point. I joined a little bit over 4 years ago when I was 12 and had just receieved my first cornsnake as a pet. Since then I have additional 2 other corns...
  2. N

    Custom tank what should i use?...

    Hey guys, I'm planning on building my cornsnake a custom tank as soon as i get my new room so he can have more room to excersie and i won;t have to take him outside as much( i watch for birds and check him over once he comes inside for parasites which i have prevent a mite and tick medicine)...
  3. N

    Brother stressing corn out?

    Hey everyone sry i haven;t been on for soo long probably nearly a year been really bussy anyways just wanna say hi again just a little update my cornsnake is know 2 years old shes beutiful about 4' 3'' long and about acouple inches thick. anyways back to my question... My cornsnake is...
  4. N


    Hey everyone, haven't been here forahwile anyway last night when I was putting my snake back in( it's a sliding top glass tank) the top got caught and when I tryed to push it in it cracked! I took my cornssnake out (didn't want my little girl to get hurt) and put her in a little container. they...
  5. N

    My entry

    :D :rolleyes: um this is mine
  6. N

    um maybe going to breed corn help/advice needed

    hi everyone, I haven't really decided yet but I was thinking maybe when my snakes older maybe he'd/she'd (dunno the gender yet) like a companyon. Anyway I was consindering stufff like cage sizes money how many and so on. so here are my questions in the following catigories.. 1) breeding How...
  7. N

    do, you ever notice?

    Hey everyone, Just curious but do you ever notice that sometimes you cornsnake will be really happy to see you and the next day hates you or is mad? It's wierd sometimes I'll take out little nicky pie and he'll be slithering along then the next day in a temper tantrum wiping you with there...
  8. N

    help snake to small for age!!!

    help me please my cornsnake nicky is 7 months old now and he's still on 3 pinkies! he's olny about24-25 inches long. Someone told me that was very small for a 7 month old snake. I don't know if this is true or not nicky's about1cm thick or less he seems fine and all not losing weight just once...
  9. N

    rice as substrast?

    hi everyone I was wondering can you use rice as a substrast for herps? I was sorta thinking for beardies in pitculatar because sannd is brocken glass so what about rice? could you use it for corns?
  10. N

    Raise in humity befor shed

    Ok,my corns been in the "blue eyed state" For acouple of days now so I started spraying his cage with warm water and then covering most oif the ventillation with a towl for 10 mins to help him get ready for the shed. I do this 2 a week monday and thursday. is this 2 much? I was told humity...
  11. N

    Changing climate/temp daily?

    Hey all this is going to sound odd but I was wondering, k well ya knoiw how corns come from flordia right well I was thinking do any of you change the climate in your corns cage from day to day? Like in summer I'll spray more often and raise the humity a bit in oder to simulate realistic sorta...
  12. N

    Bad feeling about this feeding(LOONG)

    hi everyone, Right now I"ve got a really bad feeling about my cornsnake. I'll telll you how it happened and then ask my question pleas read I'm scared for him. ok here's how it begain... When I got home from school it was feeding day so After suppper like always I got nickys food ready except...
  13. N


    well yes corns can tell the difference between you and say your friends but by sent they actually can't see the difference just smell the difference. my corn some times will stop and look at me.
  14. N

    cornsnake had change in attitude

    helllo eveyone, the oddest thing happened yesterday for the better with my cornsnake. It was 30(c) outside yesterday so I took little nicky outside and le him crawl through my hands. At first he seemed surprised and tried to hide his face in my hnds which was really cute but then when he...
  15. N

    k testing quots

    here it goes
  16. N

    what happened to..

    helllo everyone, i'm wondering how come I never see calico corns for sale? is that phase gone or summthing? what about florecent oranges?also what's the difference betwwen a snow,blizzzard or pearl corn?
  17. N

    whats after seniour member

    um does anyone know whats after seniour member(rich?) how many posts do we need. I want to know what my next goal should be for or is seniour as far as it goes? Is there a title like "super cornsnake lover" or something? heheehee just wondering
  18. N

    wow geez this place has become popular

    wow, It's just like yesterday when there was like maybe 80 users and now BOOM theres 100's and 100's of people! congradulations rich cooooool site!
  19. N

    um how can you tell if a corns a boy or girl

    hey everyone, my cornsnake is 5 months old and i was wondering how am I supposed to tell if he's a boy or girl? Just wondering or do I have to wait till he's older
  20. N

    cornsnake cage big enough for a 5month aming other questions

    Hey everyone, I'm wondering. I have a month old turning 6 months old corn that's about 2 feet in length. My first question is,Is my corn around the rigth length for his/her age? second I have a 20 gallon tank, 18 inches long, 11 inches tall and 10 inches thick. Is this sutible for a 2 foot...