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Search results for query: *

  1. E

    amel fire or what

    what the hell is this amle (fire ,candycane,lava) please can you tell me. ell
  2. E

    super poo

    here just look and then ill tell the story of cam's super poo ell
  3. E

    cam spot and storm

    here is my freshly shed corn (male snow), storm he is about 5 years old. then there is the pain that is spott she is a amel female that layed her eggs on the 27/3/07.next there is cam and she is a cb04 female carmel and she layed 1 month ago. here is some pictures. :cheers: ell
  4. E

    she's sleeping funny

    my female amel layed on the 27/3/07 and ever since then she has been sleeping funny.before she slept in a long coil for 7 years.but now she has layed she sleeps in a ball.can enyone tell me why hes is doing this. ell :cheers:
  5. E


    look at this pretty green blotch snow. ell :cheers:
  6. E

    look at this lot

    look at my snakes befor and after sheds. :cheers: ell
  7. E

    loads of pic of my snakes feeding

    here is all of my snakes spot cam and liquorish feeding on mice so here the pics ell :cheers:
  8. E

    some more pictures

    here is some pics of my three snakes spot cam and liquorish
  9. E

    can you help

    three week ago my corn shed but it got brunt on its hide i was monitoring it and a scale came of it.I pot some betadine on it because my vet said to do this if thair eny cuts on the snake but i think my snakes Had a allergic reaction.10 min later she shed bit it is a bite Early for her to shed...
  10. E

    should i mack amle snow anry or caramel

    caramel snows amles or anrys
  11. E

    can enyone help

    ok i wont to breed my corn but i dont have anything to control the tempter on the incobaiter. plese help p.s sorry about the spelling :eek1:
  12. E

    spot and cam

    hears is my amle corn spotty and cam the caramel corn enjoy
  13. E


    heats spootty dav
  14. E


    hears spoty see him now
  15. E


    hears my snakes spoty you see why now
  16. E

    hi im

    :cheers:hi im elliott i live in doven im 13 i have a aml corn snakes that is 4 years old.my uncel is snakes5007 you may tork to his.his and i are going to breed corn so if you need help he a good person to speck to. thank you by :wavey:
  17. E

    help it grow

    :eek1: help me plese eny one my snake is 4 years old but is only 2 and a half feet we don,t know wot sex it is but we think it is a male the corn is an aml corn so can eny on help me mack it longer with out over feeding.