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Search results for query: *

  1. S


    hi guys its been a while since i have dropped in anyway i am writing to thank everyone who has writen in on the subject of breeding over the last 8 months as on saturday the 15 eggs i have been waiting to hatch, hatched as i peered in the top of the incubator i saw 5-6 heads peeping out of the...
  2. S

    please help a sick snake

    my female amel seems to be in a bad way she looks very bloated and is finding it hard to move she seems to be dragging her rear end,she ate fine this week ,she is sharing with a male at the minute he is fine any thoughts would be greatly appreciated untill i con get to a vet. thanks Tom
  3. S


    my female corn is looking rather pregnant, I have read many books on what to do next, but as this is my first try at breeding i am very nervous on what to do next, my corns are my life so i want everything to be perfect so i would like any info you think i will need, at the end of the day its...