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Search results for query: *

  1. ramanth

    Unbred 10 year old lays eggs

    Lucy shed around Friday, May 20th and refused food on Tuesday, May 24th. I came home last night to find her curled around some eggs. She was quite active last week despite refusing the food and popped the lid off her shed box, which is what she crammed herself under to lay. :rolleyes: I've...
  2. ramanth

    6 year old Creamsicle Lucy Inara

    Hey all, Been awhile. Lucy Inara hatched June 8th, 2006. She was bred by Kathy Love. I purchased Lucy at NARBC in October of 2006. She has been a fantastic first snake and is my one and only. I love that she retained the 'heart' shape on her head even as she's aged. Just thought I'd share...
  3. ramanth

    Lucy Inara hatched 5 years ago today!

    Wow does time ever fly by!! I can't believe it's been 5 years since my little darling hatched. I purchased her from Kathy Love at NARBC that following October. Happy Birthday to my snakey girl! :cool: The day she hatched: Now: IMAG0168 by ramanth, on Flickr IMAG0069 by ramanth, on...
  4. ramanth

    Halloween approaches...

    Does anyone else dress up? This year I'll be dressing up as GI Joe's Cobra Baroness to pass out candy. We just completed it this past weekend. Andy'll be decked out as Iron Man.
  5. ramanth

    Lucy Inara is finally pushing 5 feet.. :D

    Lucy Inara's hatch date was in June, but it was early October when we first picked her out and brought her home (NARBC '06). She was so tiny then... Lucy's just over 5 feet now, and still as sweet as can be. She loves to curl up on top of her moutain/cave hide... I took these back in...
  6. ramanth

    Happy Hatching Day Lucy Inara!

    Lucy hatched 3 years ago today!! I love my sweet girl. :dancer: The day she hatched (or right around): When we got her at NARBC in Chicago 4 months later: A year old: And now... Getting a drink Posing Shedding :D
  7. ramanth

    Crested Gecko Tail Injury

    My usual crested gecko forum has vanished, so I'm imploring to other herp owners. Last night I took the girls out to weigh/hold them and found Alice's tail looked like this: Is that a bite injury or something fungal/parasitic? Both geckos weigh the same (16 grams). Alice is eating...
  8. ramanth

    Creamsicle Lucy Inara - Then and Now pics

    Haven't posted in awhile. It sucks when life gets busy. Anyway.... Lucy hit a growth spurt and I figured I'd share a few 'then and now' pics. I couldn't ask for a better snake. Lucy is so passive and forgiving, I swear I could jump-rope with her and she wouldn't 'bat an eye'. :grin01...
  9. ramanth

    Lucy the Creamsicle's First Halloween

    Finally decided Lucy was big enough to share in the festivities. She was a huge hit with the kids. They loved having the chance to pet her and ask questions. The teens would run screaming. :grin01: A few kids would run back to their parents, telling them how we had a real snake. We'd hear...
  10. ramanth

    Helping out on Extreme Makeover:Home Edition

    This past week, EM:HE was in town building a home for the Nickless Family. I went out as a spectator on Tuesday and Wednesday, helped out as a volunteer on Thursday, and was there all day Friday when the family was brought home. :) I was mainly in charge of collecting donations, but towards...
  11. ramanth

    Lucy Inara - '06 Creamsicle

    Lucy shed the other night, so I took the time to snap some shots of her. Lucy was born June 2006, but I didn't get her until October at NARBC. I can't believe it's been nearly 2 years since I brought home this string of a snake... :D Then - October '06 Now Against a 3 foot yard stick...
  12. ramanth

    I'm addicted! Two more Crested Geckos - pic heavy

    My friend Jessica gifted me with two of her geckolings this past weekend. The parents are Abigail and Hannibal King. I figured children of Nightstalkers should have nice vampire names. ;) So meet Alice and Esme!! (Not sure of the sex yet, but hopefully they'll decide to stay female. *laughs*...
  13. ramanth

    Lucy the Creamcicle - Fun on the Fourth

    It was a nice day on the Fourth, so I took Lucy outside to enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells. :D She's getting bigger! :love: :cool:
  14. ramanth


    Lucy regurged her meal of two hoppers. Frustrating since it was the 4th time she had 2 hoppers at once. Should I give her half a hopper or a 1 full hopper next time? She's 1 year and 9 months old and over 2 feet in length.
  15. ramanth

    On Hoppers Now

    Lucy Inara's a little over 2 feet now at a year and a half. She just moved up in food size and had her first hopper on Tuesday. Took her awhile but she finally gulped it down. :) Hopefully she'll shed again soon. Her last one was in November. Here's the latest pics! :) All stretched out...
  16. ramanth


    Hubby and I costume as a hobby and with the upcoming release of AVP: Requiem... we had to dust off these suits. Predators look reptilian enough for a forum like this...right? :dgrin: This past weekend we were at Mid Ohio Con and met up with a couple of friends. We had a great time and the...
  17. ramanth

    Lucy Inara the Creamsicle

    Been forever since I've shared photos of her. She's doing great! Couldn't be happier with my first snake. :) You can't see me! :crazy02: And a quick video:
  18. ramanth

    Croc bites of vet's arm

    WARNING: If you click HERE , you will see a picture of a crocodile with an arm in its mouth! :sidestep: :eek1: Surgeons reattached a Taiwanese veterinarian's forearm today after a 200-kilogram Nile crocodile chomped it off and colleagues recovered the limb from the reptile's mouth. The...
  19. ramanth

    Wild Snakes - How to discourage them...

    My friend Jill writes: There are quite a few garter snakes in our yard now since the weather has been so nice for the last 3 weeks. They like the large rocks, which are by this well-type thing in the yard. They might even be in there, too, I don't know, because it's locked and only the landlord...
  20. ramanth

    Slithery suspect escapes ice freezer

    2/21/07 Slithery suspect escapes ice freezer: An albino snake sparked an investigation when the escape artist showed up at an apartment complex. Interesting that the video showed up on the weather channel...