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Newbie Corn Snake Owner

I thought to have read at several places that hatchlings should be fed once or twice a week.... well, every 4 days is 3 times a fortnight so still doesn't resemble 2 times a week...that would be 4 meals. With this particular butter female of '05 I do this because she's growing lenghtwise but stays quite thin. She doesn't like eating 2 small pinkies at a time like my other 2 05's do (every 6 days) so I decided to give her one medium sized every 4 days instead... please tell me if that's really too much (she's about 13 inch long). I'd stop doing that immediately.
Space and Time?

I'm not sure but I think little Potter may be controlling space and time. This photo appeared last nite while we were watching Ring 2 . I'm not quite sure how it happened, but I fell asleep yesterday and when I woke up - it was today. :grabbit:


  • Potter.jpg
    173.2 KB · Views: 112
Death and a final post

I killed Potter tonight. I had to much to drink and feel asleep with him. He crawled inside my pillow and I crushed him.

I, even I, have said in my heart with regard to the sons of mankind the God is going to select them, that they may see that they themselves are beasts. For there is an eventuality that respects the sons of mankind and an eventuality as respects the beast, and they have the same eventuality. As the one dies, so the other dies; and they all have but one spirit, so that there is no superiority of the man over the beast, for all is vanity. All are going to one place. They have all come to be from the dust, and they are all returning to the dust. Who is there knowing the spirit of the sons of mankind, whether it is ascending upward; and the spirit of the beast, whether is it is descending downward to the earth? - Ecclesiastes 18 - 21
That's sad...

I'm sorry for your loss, but if you get another one please be more responsible with it.
utne2K said:
I killed Potter tonight. I had to much to drink and feel asleep with him. He crawled inside my pillow and I crushed him.

:eek1: OMG, sorry to hear that. Poor little guy.

Just a thought from the wife of a Budweiser rep: "Beeresponsible".
How awfull! And yes be a more resonsible pet owner in the future. I almost want to compare this with having to much to drink and putting your small children in the car with you, but I know it's a stretch and I am sure you will all point that out. Poor little fellow! :cry:

I for one will not feel sorry for an idiot who got drunk and killed his snake.
No way.
Did he know he was going to drink?
Did he know he was getting drunk?
Did he know he was actually drunk?

Obviously yes, so he should not have had the snake out of it's enclosure.


my opinion which obviously doesn't mean squat
Not Right

Thank YOU!!

I totally agree with you, I will not feel sorry for someone who kills there pet because they are inconsiderate of there own actions. If you have no respect for your own actions you have no respect for yourself, and therefore why do you own a snake in the first place?? Seems to me you cannot take care of yourself! Why if you felt guilty would you come on a forum and announce to people that you killed your pet. I would feel ashamed!

Oh and I have no problems with drinking, I have a problem with irresponsibility! Because first its your snake... you get a warning sign when you killed an innocent pet... what does it take for something more horrific to happen??
so true

I don't have a problem with drinking, either.
Actually I do it quite well...LOL
but I do have a problem with irresponsibility.
It's not the drinking that I have a problem with either, I'm well practiced myself Jimmy. It is the complete disregard for others and lack of responsibility that resulted, in this case. I am not going to pretend to be completely innocent either. When I first got Ivory I had a bit to drink and I just wanted to look at her in her viv but she was hiding. So I open it up and moved somethings around trying to locater her in vane. The next morning I notice that when I closed the viv the lid didn't lock in place and she escaped. Luckily I found her immediately. The moral of the story is, when the bottle comes out the snakes get put away and left alone. We have all made mistakes and we will continue to make more. I guess what really bothered me the most is that I personally did not hear any remorse, just some rambling quote from the bible.
Why would you hold your snake and drink at the same time I mean honestly, your not even supposed to eat while holding a reptile either, you need to wash your hands with soap and water before and after.. Unless you want to get sick. As for your snake dying that was completely your fault...
I'm revisiting this site by happenstance years later and wanted to tell all of the respondents to my thread that they are correct. I shouldn't have had Potter out while drinking.

Did you think I was asking for sorrow, a lecture, or you on your soapbox?

Well perhaps at the time when I was in my guilt, but looking back years later - the members on this board are long on hate and short on humanity.

But replies to a loss of a pet whatever the reason should not include hateful and unbearable comments like Jimmy Johnson's and others - my opinion only.

I would also like to take note that the occurrence greatly saddened me - but I don't feel like I should tolerate cromags who are in full soapbox mode and are to incapable of understanding the meaning of the passage from Ecclesiastes that I posted. It was an emotional time dealing with the loss of a pet - even if it was my own fault. Like when I was a teen and ran over my cat who was asleep under the tire. O but I forget everyone here would have repeatedly examined their tires for sleeping cats.

I posted what happened, how I felt and that is it.

I took great care of 3 other snakes for a long time until the original owner wanted them. I bathed them, feed them, and provided a good home with food, heat, and nice fat fake mushrooms for them to crawl into and of course mice.

So to all the holier than thou crowd that have never made a mistake that they regret, good fortune and good night.
