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Doc's Dinner


Ever Evolving Exotics
Well today Doc had his first full sized meal with me. I took pics!












First of all, Doc is undeniable gorgeous. He is a beautiful specimen in your collection, as most of the snakes I've seen you post are.

That being said, I do have two bits of what I feel to be constructive criticism. You can take it or leave it and it's no big deal either way.

1. Instead of posting every picture you take, pick 1-3 or so of the best and post them. Digital cameras are awesome because you can take so many beautiful photos. It's just easier to appreciate them when there aren't so many of the same shot crowding the post.

2. You have four separate topics posted on this guy in the span of a few days. Is there a reason you are not just updating the original thread? Again, your snake is beautiful, I am glad to be able to view more pictures of him. I can just as easily do that though by clicking on the latest page in a new thread, and it doesn't fill the forum with topics on the same snake.

I don't want you to view my opinion as negative. It's just something I've noticed and I wanted to suggest.
As Dean has told me, only moderators have the power to tell people what to do. Doc has a pretty cool past and I like updating
Fair enough. And it was only a suggestion - I had no pretense of expecting you to do as I say or even agree with me.
Doc is gorgeous. I think I already said that. I wouldn't want to deal with the attitude, but maybe he's better with you than he is with others.

And I think you have a gift for taking photographs too.
He looks great. I know how hard it is to pick just a few pictures to show, when I got my first corn I flooded this site with his pictures. As Dean said, its a cornsite and we all love seeing the pictures but Kaminoke has a point. There are a lot of pictures in this one thread and they are large, maybe try attaching them or scaling them down before posting so they don't take over the post.

There is a program called PIXresizer, google it, that I use to resize my pictures so I am able to attach them to the posts. Its very easy to use but if you need any help with it let me know and I'll be willing to help ya.