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Cool Kid
I have been searching the For Sale threads, relentlessly, for a decently-priced:

butter motley, butter stripe, or blizzard stripe.

If anyone has any breeding plans for this winter that might include one of these morphs, I would love a heads up! Or, even better, if anyone has one available now :dancer:
I should produce a few Butter Motleys this upcoming season ( fingers crossed!)
Oh, I'm right around the corner in Canton as well :)
Yeah, my bestie just texted me and reminded me it was this Sunday.. So I'm goin! :D Thanks, tho.
You wouldn't go wrong buying from Kyle. He has a good reputation here.
Thanks Todd I appreciate it!, I'll be at the show on Sunday as well, maybe we could all meet by the little restaurant at a certain time?
I wonder if Danny is going?
I'll PM him this link and Hallie too and Dusty...Oh yeah, Dusty is going to be out of state.
Sure, Kyle, we could certainly meet up there. Herrrmm, meet at the restaurant thingy around... 1pm?
Thanks Todd I appreciate it!, I'll be at the show on Sunday as well, maybe we could all meet by the little restaurant at a certain time?
I wonder if Danny is going?
I'll PM him this link and Hallie too and Dusty...Oh yeah, Dusty is going to be out of state.

Jeni, you definitely couldn't go wrong with anything from Kyle. I've had 4 animals from him (I only have 2 of them now, Trent bought the other 2 from me) and I couldn't ask for better critters.

As for getting together, I think that could be done! I'll have to check with my mom about getting her car, as mine isn't running very well and I wouldn't trust it to make that journey. I'll text Danny and see if he's going.

And Jeni, I have a pair of butter stripes that I've been considering getting rid of. If I decide to let them go, I'll let you know a price and such. :)
I still have some butter mots and butter stripes available from '09 and will produce them again this season. I would agree that if you were willing to wait till Kyle produces them this season it would be best to buy locally.

I do need to come up for some rodents and could stand for one of those greasy burgers, let me know when you come up with a time.

Oh hey, JeniDB? Regarding buying from Kyle? His animals are top quality, although at times he does have a tendency to tip the scales to the side of weird......and crackerhead???......I SAID CRACKERHEAD!!! Need I say more!?! :shrugs:

I do need to come up for some rodents and could stand for one of those greasy burgers, let me know when you come up with a time.

I'm going to try to get there earlier, how about noon and then again at one if anyone's later?

Oh hey, JeniDB? Regarding buying from Kyle? His animals are top quality, although at times he does have a tendency to tip the scales to the side of weird......Hey, I resemble that remark and uhhhh... takes one to know one.and crackerhead???......I SAID CRACKERHEAD!!! Need I say more!?!Jeni, mine are not a definite, I'm playing the odds although they're in my favor,so if you want one now and don't mind the extra shipping CRACKERHEAD 's got very nice snakes as well. :shrugs:

Hope to see you there Jeni, Hallie and Danny
Damn, I love these forums. ;)

Buncha crackerheads. (Just for you, Danny)

Hallie.. You name a price, girlie.. Well.. A reasonable price for a girl who owes a lot of money for college-o and wipes bum for $8/hr.
I'll be going as well, it would be nice to meet you guys, Kyle and Danny.. Hallie's talked about you guys a few times. Lol, anyway I should be rolling in anywhere from 11:30 on..
I wasn't going to go, but the plans I had with a friend or two fell through and they ditched me. Ha, so I might as well go now.